Hopelessly Devoted - What Do You Mean You Handled It

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Layla's POV

"Just call him." Brandon said for the billionth time.

"No." I said once again.

"Please, just try." He urged me.

"I said no. I've already called him three times!" I said. "Three strikes, you're out."

"He has a right to know."

"Well he has forfeited that right since he refuses to talk to me. I can't tell him if he keeps ignoring my calls."

"Keep calling."

"No. He doesn't want to know, so he won't know." I stated stubbornly.

"You're just doing this to get back at him." Brandon said. I folded my arms across my chest and frowned.

"If I was doing this to get back at him, I wouldn't have wasted my time on those three calls." I said.

"Please, call him."

"I did. He doesn't want the baby, he doesn't want anything to do with me and that's how it's going to be." I said and then I got up and walked out of his room, then out of the apartment.

I just needed to get away from him. I was sick of arguing. I needed some time to cool down. I got into my car and started driving around. I wasn't going anywhere in particular, I was really just looking at all the buildings, and that's when I saw what I needed.

I pulled my car into the parking lot and rushed inside the crowded little building.

Brandon's POV

"Dude, just call her." I encouraged Bentley.

I was in my room, I had been on the Internet, but Layla showed up and we got into that argument. So while I was waiting for her to get back, I had called Bentley.

It had been about an hour and a half since she left, and I was starting to get worried because I hadn't heard from her and neither had Brant or Hope.

"I'm not calling her Bran." Bentley said, he was starting to get agitated with me, but I didn't care. He needed to stop being such a stubborn ass and call her.

"Why not?" I asked exasperated.

"Bran. I love her, but she needs to stay in Georgia and do what's best for her. I'm trying to do the right thing, but talking to her doesn't make it any easier." He said with a sigh.

"It could be really important." I urged.

"No." Bentley said as Layla walked back into the room.

"Dude, just call her okay? Please?" I asked and Layla's eyes darted to me.

"Brandon! What are you doing!?" She yelled. "I handled it. He doesn't need to call me, he doesn't need to know anything." She said angrily.

"What the hell do you mean, you handled it' !?" I yelled back.

"What the hell is going on?" Bentley asked sounding confused.

"I've got to go." I said quickly and hung up, then I turned back to Layla. "Now what do you mean 'you handled it'?.. You didn't.. You didn't get an .." I asked, I couldn't even say that word.

"What? No! God no!" She said, which caused me to let out a breath of relief. "I just meant I am going to do this on my own." She explained.

"He has a right to know." I pointed out.

"I did my part, I contacted him. It's his own fault if he doesn't call me back. It's not my job to hunt him down and make him be a daddy." She said and she was right.

Bentley needed to man up and call her back. She sure as hell didn't want to call him, but she did it. It was his turn to reach out.

"But Layla, you shouldn't have to do this alone." I said.

"Brandon, let him have his dream. I'm not going to ruin all of his hard work, by tying him down. I can do this." She said confidently.

"And what about all of your hard work? All of your plans?" I asked.

"Having a baby was apart of my plans.. It just came a bit early.. And I can still do everything I planned, I just might have to put it on hold for a while." She said.

"Alright, fine. But you aren't doing this alone. Brant and I will be there every step of the way." I said.

"Thank you Brandon." She said smiling gratefully at me.

"You do understand that my family isn't going to like this plan, right?" I told her.

"I know .." She said with a sigh.

"But I know they will support you, because you're looking out for Bentley and it's his own fault that he doesn't know." I told her. And I wasn't lying. My parents would probably agree with her. Sure, they would want to tell Bentley, but it wasn't their place, and they knew it.

"I hope they do." Layla said.

"They will, now why don't we go find Hope and Brant, I'm sure my nieces need some food." I said, talking about the baby.

"It could be a boy and it's probably only one baby." She pointed out.

"It's going to be twins and they'll be girls." I said confidently.

"I hope you're wrong." She said with a laugh.

A/N I know it isn't much but I haven't updated in a while so I just wrote a little bit.

AP work keeps me super busy. I've got two things due for one class on Thursday, oh and Thursday is my birthday, woohoo!

I'll update as soon as I can.

Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks, y'all are the best!

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