Hopelessly Devoted - For Good

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Layla's POV

I found out a lot about Eric, just by sitting on the beach and talking. He was twenty six and he had two more years of Med school. He had graduated early from high school, and while attending high school he also took a few college courses through the dual enrollment program.

He was from Boston, but he was visiting Cape Cod for the week because his sisters wedding was to take place there. He was a good looking fellow. He had dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes that were almost as pretty as Brant's, but not quite. He had a charming personality, and a gorgeous smile. I liked being around him, he just had that nice guy vibe.

"Will you be on the beach tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes, I think so." I told him as I watched Brant drop Hope into the cold ocean water.

"I will have to come back here then." He replied giving me a dazzling grin.

"I'd like that. You can keep me company while they horseplay." I answered nodding toward Brantley and Brandon who were trying to knock each other down.

Twenty two years old and they were still eight at heart.We carried on talking, he was in the middle of telling me about med school when we heard, "Who the hell are you?"

I turned to the owner of voice. Brantley, of course. I rolled my eyes. Hope stood there looking over Eric, while Brandon stood there with his eyebrow raised. Neither of the boys like this, that much was obvious.

"We leave you alone for ten minutes and some guy shows up! Dude, you don't know this but she's pregnant, with triplets." Brant continued talking.

"Oh my God." I groaned as I put my face into the palm of my hand. "Brant, he knows, I told him."

"You .. you told him? .. and he's still here?" Brantley asked sounding shocked.

"I'm Eric Lucas." Eric said, extending his hand out to shake Brant's hand. Brant didn't take it though, he just stood there glaring. That's when Hope slapped the back of his head.

"Stop being such a jackass." She hissed and then turned to Eric and smiled politely. "You'll have to excuse my boyfriend. He gets protective over his nieces or nephews. I'm Hope, Layla's best friend." she shook his hand.

"And I'm Brandon, I'm the babies uncle as well." Brandon added as he also shook Eric's hand.

"So are y'all Layla's older brothers?" Eric asked innocently.

"No, our brother is the father." Brant said flatly. Eric eyes got wide.

"Bentley isn't around though. He's off in Texas and doesn't even know about the babies." Hope said.

"Hope!" I exclaimed. They didn't have to tell him everything. I did not want some stranger knowing about my personal life.

"Well it's true." Hope said not looking one bit ashamed for her statement.

"I'm sorry they're all acting crazy." I apologized to Eric.

"Don't worry about it." He said with a smile. "I've actually got to go though. it was nice meeting y'all." He said to the boys and Hope, then he turned to me. "Will I see you tomorrow?"

"We'll be here." I told him.

"Good." He replied and then walked off.

"Don't start Brant." I warned, right as Brantley opened his mouth the complain. He let out a huff but didn't say anything and I was impressed that he actually listened.

It didn't last long though. Right time we walked through the doorway to the cottage, he started fussing at me.

He's too old, I didn't need to worry about any boys, I was pregnant, I needed to think about my kids.. Yada yada ya.

I just ignored him and walked to my room. I laid down and fell asleep. I woke back up a little after ten. I heard Brant and Brandon discussing Eric. Brant was dead set against me seeing the guy, while Brandon took up for me.

"She's responsible, Brant, give her some space. She deserves a chance to go out and enjoy herself."

"He's too old, and we don't know a thing about him. I'm not allowing her to go off with some guy who is eight years older than her."

"She's not going off with him. We'll be on the beach with her. Brant, let her make a friend, let her have a good time." Brandon reasoned. "In a few months, she is going to have three kids and you know as well as I do, that she will be right there being a mother and never taking time for herself. Let her enjoy these last few months."

"He's going to use her and hurt her. We couldn't even trust our own brother to take care of her, how can we trust some stranger with her?" Brant asked.

"It's not about if we trust him. Who Layla puts herself around is her choice. Besides Brant, we're only here for a week. After the week is over they will both go there separate ways and never see each other again." Brandon said.

"I guess you're right.. but I still don't like the guy." Brant said.

I knew that they hadn't meant for me to hear their conversation, they probably thought I was still asleep, but I had heard and it actually comforted me to know that Brant was worried about me.

I got up and took a shower, then I tried to fall asleep again, but I just couldn't. I tossed and turned for a few hours and then finally gave up. I glanced at the clock and it read 2:07.

I climbed back out of bed and traded my shorts for a pair of jogging pants, then I tiptoed quietly out of my room toward the front door. Brant was passé out on the couch, with the television still playing softly. One look at the screen told me that he had been looking at the hunting channel. Why guys found that channel so interesting I will never know. I quickly unlocked the door and slipped out into the night.

And before you ask, no I wasn't running away. I was just going out for fresh air since I couldn't sleep. It didn't take long for me to reach the dock that was sitting out over the blue water. It was a beautiful sight out under the moonlight.

I sat down on the wooden planks and stared that the sky, wishing I could find the answers to some many questions. I placed a hand on my small round stomach and thought of Bentley. I wondered how he was doing and if he was happy. I felt a few tears trickle down my cheeks as I thought of how much I missed him, and of how I wished he was with me.

"Guys, I hope y'all don't hate me for not telling your daddy about y'all." I said as I rubbed my belly.

I couldn't get Bentley off of my mind and I was painful going through the memories. I started humming the song 'For Good' from Wicked, hoping to get him off of my mind but I quickly realized that even my old chorus song reminded me of Bentley Lake. It made me want to cry even more.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?"

I whirled around to find Brant standings at the end of the dock. He had his hands shoved in his pockets and he looked sleepy.

"I couldn't sleep and I needed some air." I said turning back to face the water.

"Why are you crying?" He asked as he walked toward me and then he sat down beside me.

"Just some sad memories." I replied, my voice cracked a little.

"Missing Bentley?" He asked softly.i nodded as tears once again began to fall from my eyes. I had tried to hold them back but I couldn't. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and moved me so I could place my face into the arm of his shirt and cry. Which is exactly what I did.

"I just don't know what to do Brant." I whispered through my tears.

"I don't know either Layla."

That's when I remembered I wasn't the only one hurting by Bentley's absence. His brothers were lost without him as well. So I continued to cry for Brant and Brandon. They missed Bentley more than I did, and at least Bentley missed them.

I knew that I would never be the same Layla that I was before. Bentley had changed me, and that change was here to stay. I was changed for good, there was no going back.

A/N well? what did y'all think? y'all like Eric?

Anyways comment and vote! thanks guys!

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