Hopelessly Devoted - Brantley's Plan

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Layla's POV

"Good morning." I said as I cheerfully walked into the kitchen.

"You're awfully cheery.." Brandon said.

"I'm at Cape Cod with my best friends, why wouldn't I be cheery?" I asked as I grabbed a bowl to fix myself some cereal.

Hope sat there and looked at me, trying to make sure that I was really okay, while Brandon went back to eating but I could tell that he was wondering why I was in a good mood as well. Brant was the only one who didn't seem worried about me.

He and I had sat on the dock and talked about a lot the night before, but we didn't feel the need to tell Hope or Brandon about my little breakdown. They would just worry, and I didn't want to cause them stress. So it was mine and Brant's secret, which put an even bigger load on him, so I was determined to keep my good mood around to make things easier on him.

"When would y'all like to head to the beach?" I asked as I spooned Cheerios into my mouth.

"As soon as you're ready we can go." Brandon said and then he looked down at his phone which had just lit up. Then he did something he normally wouldn't do... he began to smile.

That was odd.

He straightened his face out before he looked back up and then he took his phone and went into another room. I looked at the other two and we all shared a smile. Oh yeah, we were all thinking the same thing.

Brandon had a girlfriend. Or he just liked whoever he was talking to a whole lot!

"Who do y'all think it is?" I asked.

"I don't know but he's been doing that since last night so either it just started or he is planning something." Brant said. Well whatever it was, I was going to find out.

I motioned for them to be quiet and then I then I tiptoed across the room to stand in front of his bedroom door. They silently followed me, and then we carefully placed our ears against the door to see if we could hear anything. After he started talking, we hit record on Brant's phone and slid it under the door. We pressed our ears back to the door and listened carefully. We couldn't make out much of what he was saying because the doors were made of thick wood, but we knew the phone had caught some information so Brant pulled it back and we slipped into my room where we could listen to it without Brandon catching us. Brant hit the playback button and we eagerly  listened to what the phone had picked up.

"I know, I know I'll have to visit soon... things have been so hectic lately... You have no idea. Layla is pregnant, and Bentley doesn't know and she isn't planning to tell him... I know, but I couldn't betray her, she tried, Molly, just promise me that you won't tell him.. yeah, well when can I expect you to come over again?" And that's when it stopped because we pulled it out from under the door.

The three of us all looked at each other. MOLLY! Bentley's assistant!

"Y'all little eavesdroppers!" Brandon exclaimed, and that's when we all noticed he was standing in the doorway to my room. We had been so caught up in listening to the recording, we had forgotten to listen out for him.

"Uhh.. Hey Brandon." I said innocently.

"That was a dirty." he told us but he didn't seem too mad about it.

"Can you blame us for being curious." Hope said smiling at her future brother in law.

"Yes! Y'all are a bunch of spies!" He said dramatically.

We ended up going to the beach after lunch because none of us had wanted to get ready. I was once again relaxing in a chair with a book, when Eric strolled over to me.

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