Lauren Speaks

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I watch as Camila gets tackled and spot her bruises and I tap ally and mani to look. She catches mani looking and whispers to Dinah who looks back also.

"I thought you checked her when you pulled her out. You said she didn't look hurt" mani says and ally frowns.

"No, she didn't have bruises. I did check when I pulled her out of the water, she was clean" ally says and I look to see Camila trying to piece it together.

"So guys do you want to watch that movie now or what", Dinah says as I look at a bummed out Camila.

We all go to the living room and sit down on the couch. Mani jumps in Lauren's lap. Camila snuggles into Dinah's lap and ally is laying across is all. Throughout the movie theirs a lot of steamy scenes that make us all very quiet. The whole movie was based on sex to be honest.

"Dinah what the hell is this" I say and see Dinah smirk.

"It's fifty shades of grey," she says and then makes kissy faces. I don't know what it is but ever since this year. She flirts with me and we never flirted growing up.

"Camila your ass is Boney" Dinah says and I smirk.

"Sorry, I'm going to go to the bathroom" she says looking upset and limps up the stairs.

"So Lauren...." Dinah says and I quickly get up.

"I have to use the bathroom too" I say and hop upstairs. I struggle going up the stairs but don't complain. I hear hissing and grunts of frustration and curious to what she was doing. I walk in on her having her shirt fully lifted and gasp at her body. It's black and blue and she's looking at herself in the mirror. She sees me and quickly pulls her shirt down.

"Sorry, I needed to get away from horny Dinah and I came to use the restroom" I say and she nods. She tries to walk past me but I block her. She stops and wait for me to talk and I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I sigh and just move to clear a path. She walks downstairs and I just sit on the sink so that way she think I actually had to go. I let five minutes past and then I walk down the stairs to spot everyone looking at me. I look to see normani has Camila on her lap and Dinah winks at me and I go wide eye.

When I walk past Dinah she grabs me and put me on her lap harshly. I hiss in pain and she looks worried.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just an aggressive person" she says and I look at Normani and lip sink "help me" and she smirks and shake her head no.

(End of the movie)

"Well let's go out and have fun. I mean, it's weird for the school to have the second day on Friday but let's use this wisely and go to the best party of the year. The back to school party" Dinah says dancing as she talks.

"I have broken leg and she can barley walk" I say and feel Dinah come closer.

"So what, you guys will be fine. I need my girls behind me" she says and pouts. I look at mani and she shrugs and say what the hell.

"Fine, but we all need clothes well me and Camila do actually" I say and she nods.

"She can borrow a outfit of mine. Brb" ally says leaving the house.

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