Mommy Knows Best

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"Welcome, I'm glad you decided to come to me in this harsh time" my mother says as we stand at the gates of hell, I mean supernatural academy.

"Oh god what is that wet dog smell" my mom says and Camila instantly starts growling at her. I squeeze her hand and she calms down a little while my mom looks "shocked".

"What a surprise. I didn't know you turned" she says looking shocked and Camila scoffs.

"Your heart says otherwise or how about using Demi as a watcher" she says pushing through my mom and walking into the academy. I go wide eye while smiling and follow her.

"Okay, so as you know, these are the rules and curfew is midnight. The dorms are............."

"We're here for the week as friends not students. We don't follow your rules. Let's go babe, you can bunk with me and mani. Dinah your probably staying too and ally we can't forget about you, so we will use a suite on campus grounds instead of dorms" I say as we walk away leaving a disapproving woman standing there.

"I heard you were here. We came as soon as we could" Taylor says appearing out of no where along with Chris.

"You Smells like a wet......"

"Shut up" I say before they can annoy Camila again.

"Hey there beautiful" Taylor says to Camila making her blush and I'm a little shocked while smirking. She immediately looks at me apologizing and I just smile.

"Your emotions are very out there. No matter how hard you try to hide it, it will be impossible. With you being new and with the full moon cutting it close, your life will be unreasonably hard for the next four days" I say sadly and she nods understanding.

"Okay is it me or did she go from super not to super hot. I mean you had pig tails and glasses and acne and a terrible structure to your somehow was still a cheerleader but Your back was giving out. You were shy and scared. Now, your beautiful. You have perfect skin, structure, perfect white teeth, perfect vision and smoking. Even your hair is............"

"Shut up, she gets it"  I yell annoyed at my siblings eye raping her and I see a very Crimson Camila.

"If you ever need anything, just call me. I mean any........"

"Leave both of you" I growl as they smirk and wink at Camila as they leave. I feel a hand wrap around my hand and I calm down. I look down to see eyes of chocolate and I get lost into them.

"Let's go take a tour" I say and she winks.

We walk up to this old scary looking building. It's the biggest building on campus and is the check in buildings to say we signed in. If you go further back, you have the boys door on one side and the girls dorm on the other. Then one in the middle is co-ed. After that, about 400 of the acres rare all kinds of buildings to hospitals to equipment rooms to classroom to other kinds of stores and etc. Beyond that is 537 acres of training room. We're not just an ordinary academy. We're a supernatural academy where all of the supernatural located near here come.

(Camila Pov)

I just so amazed. I watch vampire fight and a person fly in hoops while a guy runs the track as someone times him. I see a guy handle fire and I'm just amazed. I never knew there was so many supernatural abilities.

"The classes we have aren't really book education but survival education. We learn about every supernatural creature and study them. There strengths and weaknesses. We have building abandoned and stores and etc to learn how to react if a situation were to break out. Ally has the best time to get a doll of out of a situation. We do test too. We train. We fight and learn how to change our identity and become the best of our ability" Lauren says sadly and I frown.

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