Chapter 5. Mother and Daughter issues

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Kate's POV

"No come on" I said begging. She is kidding with me, I don't really know how to react.
"What is wrong?!" My dad ask.

"I asked Kate for Rick's number but she told me that she hadn't so I'm going to use my layer power to find him but she don't let me because she have my computer" my Mom said and I widened my eyes and open my mouth.

"Of course I'm not going to let you, you can't find him, I don't want that, if I let myself falling in love for him I'm going to be the only one hurt" I said a little angry and loud.

"I'm sorry, I didn't- it wasn't my intention yelling" I said in an apologize look.

"Don't worry" my dad said.

"I'm sorry sweetie I didn't know that you were so afraid of falling in love for this guy" my mom said with a concern look.

"I'm not afraid of falling in love for him I'm afraid about the future and if he really likes me or if I'm just going to be another of his conquests, I - I'm afraid and if he hurts me? And if he is going just play with my feelings? He is a celebrity and one of the things that I learn is that we can't trust in celebrities" I said really quickly.

"If he hurts you he his going to pay for that" my dad yelled from the kitchen.
My mom and I laugh.

"You never know if you never even try" my mom.

"Wow, really poetic mom" I said.

"I'm serious" she said and I turned around.

"Me too" I said and I come back to my room.

Maybe she is right, I can't be afraid for the rest of my life, I have to try!
But he has a list of his conquests and a long list.
I'm so confuse.
What the hell I do?
Follow my heart or follow my head?
He deserves the doubt.
Don't he?
Maybe not!
Definitely not.
Oh god what's wrong with me?

Suddenly my phone ring and distracted me for my thoughts.
Who the hell it is?

I don't recognize the number.
"Beckett" I answered.

"Hey Kate it's me Rick Castle" the voice said.
Oh no. This can be good

"What-how you have my number?" I ask surprise.

"I have a little friends on cops business" he said.

"Oh- so- uh- what you want?" I ask.

"I-uh- I been thinking and I- maybe you-..." He made a pause.

"Go on" I said, giving to him a little incentive. I don't know what he wants but it can't be good.
I'm a little nervous and afraid of what he his going to said.

"I was thinking that maybe you could have dinner with me and my daughter today" he said very quickly.

Oh my god.
What I say now?

I want to say yes but my head says that is going to be a mistake.
"Just friends, right?!" I ask with goosebumps.

"Uh- yeah- sure- I mean - absolutely" he said making pauses.

"Hmm ok see you later" I said.

"Ok, we could meet at Remi's! You know where the place is?" He ask.

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