Chapter 31. What a night!

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Hey again guys!!

Castle family on the picture but without the little boy of course! You will understand why I putted this picture on the lasts paragraphs.

Kate's POV

I never saw Rick being rude with anyone before but this woman with the name of Meredith make is blood run up to is head ( and not in a good way). I just stare at him with my jam on the grown like the woman here beside me. He said nothing more.

Meredith recovered and her face look angry and upset but she doesn't have the right to be.

She open her mouth but closes not saying a word probably processing what just happen and thinking better what to say.

"You know what Rick ? You are right, why should I make an enormous effort to be with you when I can have all the mans that I want. And why would I make the effort to heard or live with that little creature that we made that never shut up, why would I ? I never wanted her anyway if it was not for you I would have aborted but you know what is not this woman that is going to be the mother of my child so I will pass tomorrow morning by your apartment to pick her up for a Mother's Day. See you"

I couldn't listen anymore to all the words that she was saying. How is possible a mother don't love her child ? How is possible she saying all of this without even knowing Alexis? How can she say this? So the last thing that I heard was the word abort coming out of her mouth and me getting up and slapping her in the face when she finished talking.

Was the right thing to do?

Yes, she deserves.

Probably no.

Could I have talked instead of slap?

Hell no.


Would the talk make me feel better instead of slap in her face?

Hahaha you are funny.

Definitely no.

Rick was with his mouth open all the employees were looking at us but I didn't care because she deserves that slap. She doesn't know Alexis and doesn't have the right to talk about her that way. She isn't my daughter but I lover like one.

"You are more bitch than I thought and even if Alexis is your child you don't have any right to say all of that things about her without knowing her so get out of here don't even think to make an appearance tomorrow because God knows that if we weren't in a restaurant that slap wouldn't be the only thing that you would get home with" I said with my voice strong but with tears in my eyes. I was making a very good effort to keep them inside but the pain of hearing her say bad things about Alexis was to much.

Her hand was on her red cheek and one tear came out of her eye but I didn't care she deserved that and much more.

Rick get up with surprise, concern and definitely worry across is face and come hug me to my surprise. I thought that he would be there for Meredith but he is here hugging me very tight, supporting me not to break down but I couldn't anymore the tears started to run to my cheeks and I couldn't stop them. It was to late. I sniffed and Castle step a lot back trying to see my face but I was looking down I didn't wanted him to see me like this.

This was supposed to be an amazing night and now it's all ruined because of that b—

"Kate look at me"  he said but I didn't move a flinch.

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