Chapter 27 - The return

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"I can't believe you guys are finally here. God I'm so happy to see u" Kate said with tears in her eyes.

"Oh god Kate you are okay. We were so concerned about you and Rick was helping us.." Ryan started.

"....yeah but we said that he couldn't come so he is waiting on the airport." Espo said.

"Never do this to us again" Espo said hugging her.

"It was not my fault." She responded.

"We know that sister" Ryan said hugging her too.

"Our lives are not the same without you" said Espo and Ryan nodded.

"So I guess it's time to say goodbye huh?" Pedro sighs.

"Yes it is. I'm going to miss you, you were the only thing positive on this trip." Kate stated.

"Thank you. I hope with all of this thing you don't hate Portugal or the city because I really wanted you to visit me." He said.

"Of course not. It's a beautiful city and people here are very kind and I would never hate anything because of my ex boyfriend. Thank you for everything Peter and I hope that one day you can visit me too." She said opening her arms for the hug.

"God I'm going to miss you so much. You being like a sister to me." He laughed.

"Yeah you too. Can you at least come with me to the airport?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything" he said with a sad smile on is face.

"Okay let's go guys." Kate said.

"Wait you are not going to introduce us ?" Ryan asked.

"Oh right sorry. Espo Ryan this is Pedro which means Peter in English he is the person with who I stayed while I was waiting for you guys. He helped me. Pedro this is detective Ryan and Esposito my friends from New York."

"Nice to meet you guys" he said.

"You too. Thanks for protecting or girl." Espo said.

"Anytime" he answer.

On the way to the airport the ride was silent. Pedro was driving them and guiding the other cops.

Kate was thinking in everything that happened in this curt period of her life. She met Rick rejected his offer to date, her mother stressing her about dates, have to take care of Alexis, being more close to Rick and seeing that is not so bad as it seems, Kate and Alexis being hostages on the Museum, her ex boyfriend being her kidnapper, meeting Pedro... Wow her life changed a lot.

When Espo and Ryan said that Rick helped them, and was waiting on the airport for her made her heart beating much more stronger and she knew it that that in that moment she was is love with him and now she can't wait to go to see him.

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