Chapter 33. Sweet Family Moment Part 1

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Kate's POV

I wake up and my neck was hurting probably because I was in a weird position on the couch but hey it's their fault because this two guys really have a comfortable couch.

I open my eyes and see Alexis with her head on my lap, behind me Rick was asleep like a little pig making a little noise from his mouth.

I try to move Alexis to get up and see what time is it. As I accomplished my aim I move myself towards the kitchen where my phone is. I turn it on and see that is almost lunch time!
I had never sleep till so late in my entire life and I have to admit it feels great, amazing even.
I look towards the living room and see Alexis cuddled into her father's body. They look so damn cute. I pick my phone to take a few pictures of them from different angles.

My phone starts to ring and I panic thinking that one of them or both of them will wake up but my reflexes are more fast than my mind and I answer without thinking or looking at the ID.


"Honey where are you?"

"Mom! I good morning"

"It's more like good afternoon honey. Once again where are u?"

"I'm... uh... why exactly?"

"Well yesterday we talked about going to lunch together remember? You, your father and I! I try to call you before but you did not answer so I thought you probably work till late and you need to sleep a little more and you would call me later but I waited 2 hours and nothing. You never overslept!! It's everything okay Katie?"

"Mom everything is fine, I was really exhausted yesterday but it was not because of work. And I'm sorry but I can't meet you and dad at lunch today"

"You are with Rick aren't you?"

"What!! No !! Of course not!! Why do you think..."

"Cut it off Katie"

"Fine I'm at Rick's, how did you know?"

"Mother instincts" she said smiling." Why they don't come over as well?"

"Mom!!" Kate warned.

"Katie I know that... all this years I was always making you arrangements with guys for you to date but I just did that because I didn't want you to be alone when me and your father won't be here for you anymore. We won't live forever and I wish I could see you on your wedding and then a few years our months later playing with my grandkids. Baby I just want the best for you and I'm really sorry if this years I was a little..."


"Wow thanks Katie. Im sorry I cross the line with you"

"Mom you didn't cross the line, you barely jump the line" she joke.

"Well I try but I guess it's better 'I didn't cross the line I put myself on it' " she joke back and Kate laughed.

"So will I see you at lunch?? You still have time!"

"Yes. See u in a few" I said turn off the call. When I look again towards the couch where Rick and Alexis are I see movement but neither of them open the eyes so I decided to make a little brunch before I wake them up and ask them if they want to come with me to meet my parents.

When everything is ready I walk around the kitchen table and make my way towards them. I kneel down and put my hand on Rick's messy hair. He really is an ruggedly awesome guy.
I start to massage his hair and face until he starts to make funny faces and I have to contain my laugh. He start to open his eyes and then in a second that looked like hours is beautiful deep blue eyes were looking at me with so much intensity that made me think he is reading my soul.

I smile at him and he smile back. We looked like two idiots teenagers falling in love for the first time and in my case is true because I had never felt in love with someone else before, I even thought love didn't exist if it wasn't for my parents. I thought that I would never ever in my entire life find my soul, my north start or my ground.

But now looking at him I see everything that my parents see in each other. Every look we share, every smile that has subtext behind and just we know, every word we say, everything...

"Whattime'sit?" He yawned.

"11:30"  I said and he look at me surprised.

"Did some brunch, do you want?" I ask again after a few minutes looking into each other eyes.

"Yes" he whispered. " I could use some food" then he looks at Alexis who is still asleep on couch cuddled into him.

"You are both really cute when you sleep" I say as I move towards the kitchen again.

He try's to get up without waking up Alexis but without luck because she stars to open her eyes and instead of one pair of blue eyes looking at me now I have two.

"Good morning sleepy head? Sleep good?" I ask while I put the cereal on a bowl and then put milk. Then I repeat two more times.

"Good mowning!! I sleep vewy well!" She says while she moves in my way.

Castle is already in front of me eating is cereals...

wait Castle?

I kind of like it!

Well it's not bad but I prefer Rick.

Oh well the problem is that the mouth is mine so I say what I want!


"I didn't!!" Castle says. " I had two persons cuddling with me. Now my neck hurts like a bitc— hurts very bad" I glare at him for having a minor who is, his daughter hearing him curse.

"Hm... I have something to tell you Rick." I start but before I can go on he interrupts me. " Oh no that never is good!" He says and even if I know that he is teasing I can see the preoccupation in his eyes.

"Hey is nothing bad. I hope. Is just— my mom called and I was supposed to meet her and my dad for lunch but I totally forgot so she called me to ask what was going on. She now knows that we are together so she asked if you and Alexis didn't want to come as well?"

"Well I feel honored but do you want us there?" He asks carefully trying not to hurt my feelings.

"Of course I do. After all you are my family now!" I said kissing him.

"Wew that is disgusting daddy!" Alexis says and we laugh.

A/N: I'm really sorry for taking so much time writing as you can see this story is soon finished.

Go read my other stories: Undercover and The Billionaire Problem!!

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Thank u for reading!


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