Chapter 28 - The sociopath

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A/N: THIS IS NOT THE FINAL CHAPTER!!!! The image is Kate dress and Rick suit you will understand when you read the story.





Kate's POV

Finally I was in home. It was not a easy months but I made it and I still can't really believe in everything that happened. Rick had asked me if I wanted to go dinner with him and Alexis, and my father and mother asked me if I wanted to stay for a while in their place but I need time to myself to think in everything. To know what to do next without fears because life is more shirt that we know and in any moment can end.

This past month everyone has been amazing to me and a little pity what irritates me because I can take care of myself I'm not a child.

Work was normal with my mom always asking me if wanted anything and that I could take the day or at least go home more early but like I had said before I'm fine.

My moms was with me right now in my office we were talking about Rick well she was talking about him and the future she thinks that Rick and I can be a true thing in the future. I'm not saying that I don't believe it's just to soon to talk about I like when this go slow.

"Hello this is Katherine Beckett from the Lawyers and justice how can I help you?"
I answered the phone who interrupted me and my mom and put it on speaker phone.

"Hi I have a case and I need you to be the one who solve it." The person on the line said.

"Alright the case is about what?"

"About you coming in a date with me?" The person said with a smirking voice.

"Excuse me?"I said completely in shock.

"Kate relax it's me Rick."

"God Rick I thought it was some sociopath calling don't do it again."

"Came on you have to admit that it was original."

My mom was laughing non stop behind me and suddenly my dad show up in the door. What is this some family reunion?

"Sorry for scaring you. What do you say?"

"What do you think I'm going on a date with a sociopath? " I said smirking too and I didn't care about my parents. If they are disgusted the door is just a few steps away.

"I can be a sociopath but I'm yours sociopath. What you say beautiful do you want to go on a date with this crazy men who is crazy for you ?"

Okay that was simply beautiful I never receive such an amazing declaration from anyone. This guy is making me crazy from him. I'm already so deep and the only thing that comes from my mouth is silence because I don't even know what to say.

"Say yes already" my mom hissed.

I looked at her and she was with a huge smile in her face like she had wan the lottery and I could see the eyes of my father with so much proud.

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