Day One

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As Donald walks out of the house, he sees dragons of all sizes and colors. Some are the size of a Shetland Pony, others are the size of a bus, and yet there are others that are as big as the ranch house and there are small dragons the size of a cat or a small dog. He then notices several young dragons running around playing.

Stopping by the fence, a shimmering purple dragon stops, smells him, then gives him a growl and licks his cheek. This dragon was about as tall as Donald.

Kat stops beside him, smiles, and with a chuckle, she says,
"That is Shimmer, she is a very easy going dragon and it seems that she likes you. And that lick she gave you was her way of saying hello."

Donald thinks and puts his hand on the snout of Shimmer and she starts to purr. A dragon can't purr like a cat, the purr is more of a friendly growl.  Surprised, he looks at Kat.

She smiles and says,
"How would you like to give Shimmer a bath?"

Hearing the word 'bath,' Shimmer's ears perk up and she turns. It was almost comical watching a 6' 1200 pound dragon running like a excited child.

Donald asks, surprised,
"Are you serious you will let me do that?"

Kat replies, shrugging her shoulders.
"Sure, why not? It will give you a chance to get use to being around these wonderful creatures. But remember they can be easily angered so, be careful."

Donald thinks about what his sister said as Donald watches Shimmer running to the bathing area. He says.
"Ok, I'll do it. How do I give her a bath?"

Kat pushes him and says.
"Follow her and watch her eyes. She will tell you how."

Following Shimmer to the bathing area, Shimmer starts pointing at different items with her snout, excitedly fidgeting. Following her direction, he starts to wash her getting, a purring sound.

Surprisingly, Shimmer rolls onto her back and looks at him, following her eyes, he washes her belly, playfully she splashes him and he sprays her with the water, laughing.

Kat smiles and says.
"It looks like a friendship has been made."

The ranch hand beside her says, "Those two are like little kids. Shimmer is loving this and your brother is enjoying himself."

After Donald finishes, he looks at Shimmer. He hugs her and says, "I enjoyed giving you a bath." Shimmer licks his cheek and gets up and goes to the field.

Kat looks at her brother and says,
"Have fun bro? Shimmer loved it. I know what you can do, how would you like to be our new dragon washer?"

Donald replies with excitement in his voice.
"Yes, I would love to help keep these wonderful creatures clean. Can I wash more of the dragons?"

Kat says with a smile.
"Ok, your pay will be $25.00 for each one you wash. And I'll be right back with Dart."

While Kat was gone, Donald had changed into a pair of shorts because it was a warm day. He had not put a shirt on.

Kat walks in with Dart and right away, Dart flexes his muscles.

Kat looks at Donald and says with a serious look.
"Brother you better start flexing, Dart just challenged you."

After about 20 minutes of testosterone fueled showing off, Donald gets under Dart and proceeds to lift Dart on his shoulders. Donald had set a school record with a 1,500 pound squat. Dart tips the scales at 2,000 pounds. With a grunt, Donald lifts Dart off of his feet. The dragon's eyes open wide as his feet leave the ground. Putting Dart back on his feet,  Donald steps in front of everyone and flexes with a smile on his face.

That night, Kat tells everyone what happened, getting laughing and cheering.

Ethan says with a laugh,
"You showed Dart that you are the big man on the ranch now. Dart got one hell of a surprise for sure."

Edited by Luna 🐲

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