Donald Gives It All

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As Donald walks with Sadie they hear a sound in the bushes. Donald realizes it is the same ones who were trying to steal some dragons before.

Turning to Sadie Donald says. "Get out of here Sadie now, go back to the ranch I've got a few idiots to teach a lesson."

As Sadie leaves she hears Donald start fighting with them, as Sadie returns with Kat and several other dragons they hear gun fire followed by screams.

Kat was pushing Hell Fire to get to Donald as fast as possible, they arrive as Donald has one of the attackers by the shirt. "Tell your boss any further attempts to steal a dragon will be taken as an act of war."

Donald releases him and walking back to Kat he falls to his knees and Kat sees blood on his shirt Donald gets back up and goes to Sadie.
"Forgive me my love."

As he falls into her Kat calls for emergency medical services.

Three hours later Kat looks at the doctor.
"How is he? Is he going to make it?"

The doctor says sadly.
"I'm sorry but his injuries are too severe he has one week at most."

Tears fill Kat's eyes.
"Is there nothing more you can do?"

The doctor says shaking his head. "The only thing is to get him a new body, but we need a body for that. And some dragon magic."

Dark Knight snorts loudly and Kat looks at him.
"Are you shure you want to do that?"

Dark Knight growls Kat looks at the doctor and says.
"There is a body for you."

Surprised the doctor says.
"Ok but if we use his body Dark Knight will no longer exists. Is he willing to make that sacrifice?"

Dark Knight growls and snorts loudly Kat says.
"Yes he is. He believes that he owes Donald his life for saving his. He wants to repay his debt to Donald."

6 hours later the doctor says  with a look of exhaustion and a smile.
"It was a success, but Dark Knight is gone he is now Donald. Dark Knight passed away in Donald's body 15 minutes ago."

Kat hugs the doctor and says with tears in her eyes.
"Thank you. But now I have to explain to my brother why he is now a dragon."

The doctor smiles and chuckles. "I think Dark Knight took care of that already. He talked to him before we started. The two of them talked about an hour before we started."

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