The End Arrives

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Kat has retired, Donald and Sadie have become less active on the ranch.

Ranger passed away 3 weeks ago, Everyone knows that Donald and Sadie are going to pass away soon. About a week later Donald, Sadie and Kat are all in Donald and Sadie's enclosure, the time has come for all 3 of them to pass on.

Donald is lovingly caressing Sadie.
"Let go my love. I can't stand to see you suffer like this. You too Kat let go I won't be far behind. I can't live without Sadie."

As Donald holds Kat she smiles and with her final breath she says.
"I love you brother." Sadie takes a short breath as her eyes slowly close.

Donald looks out at everyone.
"Do not be sad, celebrate our lives. I have done all I can now it is up to you to continue forward."

Donald lays his head down and as his eyes slowly close he says.
"I will be watching."

All that can be heard is the soft cries of everyone there.

A Spanish ranch hands says. "Adios mi amigo." As he holds his hat over his heart.

Word of their passing spreads like wildfire, all of the teams and owners pause for a moment of silence.

Spyder says with a heavy heart.
"I helped him live a long happy life and I learned so much from him. I only wish that we could have had more time with him. Goodbye Donald,Sadie and Kat we will always remember and love you."

So in the end it was a dragon that seen something wonderful in a human, became mated to the human and in the process started to bring dragons and humans closer together. Love is blind and it sees no color, race, or species it only sees truth. Hopefully one day the human race look past their differences between themselves and love instead of the hate that rules our lives and blinds us to the truth. Without love death will destroy us all.

The End

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