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Donald gets up the next morning and is the first one to the kitchen.
He makes coffee finds some sausage and biscuits and starts to cook.

Everyone gets up and he serves a plate of biscuits and gravy and a cup of coffee to everyone.

After breakfast Kat starts his training, after about a week he is training with Ranger. Kat can't believe how fast Donald moves through the training.

Then a message is received inviting Kat to a just for fun race, Kat tells her brother he will racing with Ranger.

Donald finishes his breakfast and says.
"I'm going to get Ranger ready. Grace you want to help me?"

She says smiling.
"Sorry but I have something to do Silver Fire. I need to go get your riding outfit."

Donald nods and smiles.
"No problem. Guess I should get ready. Catch you later and thank you."

One of the others asks.
"Kat do you think he is ready?"

Kat replies nodding.
"Donald has the ability to connect with dragons, so yes I do think he is ready."

The ranch hand surprised by this asks.
"When did you find out?"

Kat says with a smile and pride in her voice.
"Found out about a week ago. And it was a real shock when I did."

Donald goes out to Ranger and starts to get him ready, Ranger bumps him and gives a inquisitive look and a small growl.
"What is going on? I sense something."

Donald says with a serious tone. "You and me buddy are going to race it is a just for fun race."

Ranger ruffles his wings and prepares himself mentally for the race.

Kat tells Donald in her best coach voice "You have 3 hours until race time. Better go talk to Sadie also she will want to watch."

As he walks in he sees Sadie on her back with her tail inserted into her slit.

Sadie sees him and whines with pleading eyes.

Sadie's sexy female voice says in his mind.
"Please help me my love. I am going crazy trying to take care of myself."

Donald smiles "You got it but you come and watch my first race."

Sadie looks at Donald with a concerned look in her eyes and says.
"Can I show you something my love?"

Donald surprised by her says.
"Of course my love."

Sadie starts to shift but not to a fully human form. She has a human look but is more dragon than human. Sadie has a nice tan color skin, the same royal blue eyes, she has wings and has a mix of a human and dragon features. Kat thinks that Sadie is beautiful. Donald growls with approval but he doesn't know how he did.

Donald's eyes open wide and he says.
"Sadie you are beautiful. Did you get this because of our mating?"

Sadie nods with a smile.
"You still going to help me my love?"

Donald nods and says with a smile.
"Yes I am. I would never let you suffer."

Sadie snorts happily he drops his shorts and starts to service Sadie.

Kat watches in amazement as her brother starts with foreplay and then penetrates.

Kat turns her back and waits until they are done. Kat's mind is racing on how to make any sense of this.

Sadie is lost in the pleasure as she makes little cooing noises and growls with pleasure at each thrust into her warm slit.

Kat hears Sadie cry out in pleasure as her climax shooting throughout her body Donald cries out in pleasure as he thrusts into her as he climaxes.

Kat thinks to herself." My brother is a dragon rider a rare thing for sure. But to be Sadie's mate and true love is something I am having trouble understanding."

Kat watches as Sadie licks him clean and then turns to clean herself.

Kat looks at her brother.
"You are permanently a dragon rider for Dragon Haven Sadie and Ranger will be your partners until their retirement and then they will pick your new race partners."

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