Race Day In Russia.

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It had been a massive undertaking but it paid off. The first dragon race was about to happen in russia. The event was a big deal and it showed, the track was packed to capacity and the surrounding hills were packed with people.

The announcer says with excitement.
"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the dragon races. You will see dragons and humans racing around this track at high speed, I have been told that the first race is always exciting and a little scary. These dragons are from the United States and all are champion racers. Without further ado, all competitors to the starting line!"

This first race was going to be a real treat for the people of russia.
Donald, Sadie, Ranger, Fisher, Wild Style and a few others were going to race.

As the teams get to the starting line the human team mates talk and wish each other good luck and a safe race. The dragons growl and chirp at each other wishing each other a safe race and good luck.

The flag drops and the race begins with Fisher and Wild Style taking the lead, the spectators watch with amazement as dragon and human work together as a team. Comments in the crowd were about how amazing it was, how close the dragons were to each other and how comfortable they looked doing it.

Donald, Ranger and Sadie were going to let one of the younger teams win but they were going to make them work for it. The three of them pull a twist of fate and take top three spots. Fisher and Wild Style do a twist of fate and take second and third spots as Donald holds the lead. Fisher catches up to Donald and licks his cheek as she takes the lead, Wild Style takes second as Donald falls back to third.

The crowd was in total amazement watching the dragons maneuver around each other.

On the final lap the younger teams pull away from Sadie, Ranger and Donald, because of their age it was difficult for them to keep up. But Donald had a trick up his scales, he was going to make sure the last lap was a nail biter. On the back straightaway Donald pulls a double twist of fate and gets beside Fisher. Fisher looks at Donald and growls as she takes a slight lead holding on to third. The crowd was cheering and calling out their favorite team's name. As they round corner 4 every team starts pushing a little harder as the lead changes multiple times. At the finish line it was Wild Style taking first, Fisher takes second and Justice takes third. The crowd was going nuts as they finish, the cheering was a loud roar and roses fly onto the track. The wealthiest people pledge funding for more tracks and to help start teams. Dragon racing was about to become a international sport. Donald watches as talks begin to start up Russian race teams. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever thought this was possible, but it was happening right before his eyes. There was a lot to do before teams could be formed but it was obvious that everyone was ready to take on the challenges and make it happen.

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