Trial By Dragon

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The next day The Russian president is explaining what happened when Donald and Kat arrive.

"Why would you do such a thing? We were on the verge of an agreement that would have secured dragon races in Russia and now you may have destroyed any chance of that ever happening." The Chinese council member says.

The head council woman says. "Mr. President of the United States do you have anything to say about this?"

He smiles and says.
"I defer to Donald to answer your question."

The council looks at Donald the Russian council member says. "What do you have to say about this?"

Donald growls and says.
"I only ask that the Russian president stand trial by dragon."

The Russian president says afraid of what might happen.
"I will stand trial by dragon to prove that I am not afraid to accept punishment for my actions."

As soon as he says that 12 dragons enter and Donald says. "Then your trial starts now. Do you have your attorneys here?"

He nods and points to his attorneys.

The dragons listen as both sides present their case after the litigation process is over the dragons start to discuss all of the facts.

Donald looks at the dragons and speaks to them in dovahzul they all nod at what he said.

A female dragon lifts her head and says.
"For the charge of attempted murder we find the defendant guilty, for the charge of attempted murder of a dragon we find the defendant guilty, and for the charge of attack of a U S citizen on United States soil we find the defendant guilty."

The Russian president lowers his head speaking again the female dragon says.
"As for your punishment. You are to spend one week a month at Dragon Haven to live with dragons and learn about dragons, if you refuse or miss one week without just cause you will receive the true punishment for your crimes. And that is death by dragon talons. Consider yourself lucky that Donald requested this punishment for you. And just so you know Donald was once human like you."

Those words strike him, he is unable to understand what he was just told.

At that moment he makes a decision.
"I am as of this moment I am stepping down as president. What I was just told has opened my eyes." The Russian president turns to Donald "I will be returning to Dragon Haven with you. What I have just learned makes me wonder if you can be saved by a dragon then perhaps it is dragons that will save me."

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