New DPO Head

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After a few months Donald calls a DPO meeting.
"I have enjoyed my time as DPO Head but I can't handle it anymore. Sadie feels like I am ignoring her and the children, and I have been told that I am not sleeping well. So as of today I am appointing my assistant Tina head of DPO operations she knows what I have done and what I want to do."

Donald turns to Tina.
"You are not going to be alone my son will be by your side as your assistant."

Donald opens the door and calling his son in.
"Lucas come in here please."

Lucas walks in and to everyone's surprise his son is a small dragon Lucas us only 4.5 ft tall and about 5 ft long nose to tail he stops and looks at the DPO panel and then looks at Tina.
"Hello Tina I am going to be your assistant. I am ready to get started. I have been told what I need to know about what my father has been working to accomplish."

Lucas smiles at her.
"Let us continue to fight this war, although we will not fully win all of the battles we can and will win the ones we can. We will always have to fight for the protection of human and dragons but that battle I will fight with you."

Tina smiles at Lucas.
"Then let us go to war and fight for what is right and what is best for all. Your father said something to me when I arrived he said, Tina we are at war, we are the only line of defense against abuse and neglect of the dragons. We are the last and only defense against the poor treatment of dragons and safety for all. And I have worked with him ever since that day knowing that. I still to this day come to work with that in mind."

Lucas nods and says.
"Then you and I will work well together because I am dragon and human so you still have that edge, I can talk to dragons and humans, I respect and I am honored that my father is human and my mother is dragon. I love my parents and I am honored to have this opportunity to work with you to accomplish what my father wanted to do."

The DPO panel looks at Lucas. "You father has chosen you to be Tina's assistant we have learned not to question him. Welcome to the new DPO operations Lucas we look forward to seeing what you can do and if you are like your father or if you are different from him."

Lucas smiles at them and says. "Then prepare yourself because I am like my father but I am also dragon, I will fight for what is right and I will always remember that we are in this together. I am warning you cross me and I will make you sorry you ever did."

In one month Tina and Lucas achieves what Donald had been working so hard for dragons being recognized as intelligent creatures and soon maybe made full citizens.

Lucas had something else in mind in addition to what he was already helping to accomplish.
Lucas wanted marriage between dragon and human to be legal, at current it wasn't recognized as a leagal marriage but it wasn't considered illegal. It was well known that there was owners and employees of the owners that had intimate relations with dragons. And according to the current DPO rules it states. 'As long as it can be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that the relationship is concentual between dragon and human, and both parties show a true love for each other the relationship will be allowed. With the express understanding that either party can end the relationship for any reason.'

Dragon's Desire. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें