Your A Coach

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Kat goes to Donald what she was going to ask him she was unsure if he would react badly.
"Hi brother I have been thinking and I have come to a decision. I want you as a..."

Donald cuts her off and says.
"Kat I want to be a coach for the teams I know that I am unable to race. So I want to coach the teams."

Kat smiles and chuckles.
"I was about to ask you the same thing. First thing is you need to get to know the new track. The Donald Lovell Memorial Track is up and ready go learn that track because it is on Dragon Haven property."

Donald looks at Kat and says.
"I have been working with the track builders and I have already been flying around the track."

Kat gets every thing set up and Donald starts coaching the teams.
"You need to remember that human and dragon you both are a team, it takes both of you to function properly. Yes it is possible for a dragon to compete in the race without help but the human can see things that the dragon can't because they are concentrating on flying. Humans remember your dragon relies on you as much as you do them. If you always remember to work together you can accomplish great things."

A new rider asks.
"How is it that you know so much about this? You are a dragon not a human."

Kat says with a small amount of sadness.
"He was at one time human and as a dragon rider warrior he set all of the current records. He always worked with his teammates and as such he was given a dragon body by one of his teammates Dark Knight sacrificed himself for Donald."

A tear falls from Kat's eye.
"Dark Knight was a rescue and he gave his life to save Donald's life."

Donald smiles and nods.
"If you can be as one with your dragon they are willing to give their life to save your life. Remember all your dragons want is acceptance and love in return they give loyalty and love."

Donald looks at the teams. "Mount up time to start training, I am going to push you to your limits and then I am going to push you further. All in a effort to make dragon and human as one, as one you are a team but alone you are a danger to everyone. Now everyone of you get your ass in the air."

Donald gives them a stern look. "NOW!" He roars at them every human jumps and get into the saddle on their dragons. Within seconds everyone is in the air.

Donald yells commands to them as he watches them. He teaches them how to perform the twist of fate. Donald says to a team that has been ignoring his teaching.
"No, do it again, the twist of fate can kill you and your dragon if you do it wrong. The twist of fate has claimed over 150 lives human and dragon, I don't want it to claim any more."

The new rider says with a smart ass attitude.
"Then teach us how to do it correctly. Unless you are afraid to."

Donald narrows his eyes and a growl rumbles in his chest. "Training is done for the day, go home and think about what you have learned. And as for you you little brat you need to remember that I was asked to teach you if you don't want to learn."

Donald pauses stares at the young rider with anger in his voice.
"Stop wasting my time. Now go home."

Donald turns and walks away, his wings hurt, he was angry and he was tired.

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