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Kat goes to Donald's enclosure, she looks in.
"I wonder where he is?" Kat asks herself she goes to his favorite thinking spot, Kat looks around "Not here, where is he?"

Kat is now getting worried and starts to panic, as she gets ready to go back to the ranch house she hears a roar that sends chills down her spine. "That came from the track. What is going on?" Kat asks herself as she arrives at the track fear grips her because of what she sees.

Donald is flying around the track at race speeds Kat yells to Donald.
"Brother your wing can't take that pressure. What the fuck are you doing?"

Donald ignores her and keeps going increasing his speed pulling a high G turn as he goes around a corner.

Kat calls the ranch house.
"Tim call the vet Donald is pushing himself and I just heard a cracking noise. I think he is training for the races."

The vet arrives with a couple of friends Kat says.
"Victor, Rose how are you two? It has been a while."

Victor and Rose are both the only of Donald's and Sadie's first children to go to college.

Victor says playfully nudging Kat. "Aunt Kat you look well, how are things here?"

Rose laughs and says.
"Never a dull moment at Dragon Haven. How are you Aunt Kat?"

Victor gets into the air and comes up beside Donald.
"Dad what are you doing? You know that your wing can't take the stress of racing anymore."

Donald replies his voice had hurt and anger in it.
"One of the teams I am training questioned my ability to train them. So I am going to kick their ass in the next race."

Victor lands and sighs.
"Kat one of the teams he is training questioned his ability to train them."

Kat narrows her eyes.
"Who was it? How dare they do that to him? Time for Kat to become a lion."

Rose says with a serious look.
"Oh shit! Kat is on the war path."

Kat calls the team lead.
"I want you and that selfish little shit you call your son here at Dragon Haven now. Dark Knight is training for the races because of what he said."

They arrive and Kat grabs his arm.
"Come with me. I hope you can handle what you are about to see."

As they get to the track Donald pulls a twist of fate and another high G turn. With anger in her voice.
"He is risking his ability to fly because of what you said to him. If he crashes at the race on Saturday and looses his ability to fly I am going to recommend your status be revoked as a dragon rider."

The father looks at his son.
"If that happens Danny I will remove you from the team forever."

Donald lands and looks at the young rider.
"I will show you how a real team operates on Saturday prepare to have your ass handed to you on a silver platter."

Donald turns and walks away the father says.
"You have just been challenged by Donald Lovell you brought this on yourself by saying what you did."

Danny lowers his head.
"I have brought the wrath of the greatest rider of the century upon myself. I wish I could take those words back."

He watches Donald walking away with sadness in his voice.
"I have offended him and now I'm going to pay for it. After this I pledge my help to assist in the protection of human and dragons."

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