Donald help

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Kat rushes into the ranch house in a panic.
"Donald help Ranger is acting strange."

He holds up a finger while on the phone speaking with a questioning tone.
"So you say Fisher is acting strange? Bring her over I'll see what I can do. No problem see you in a few minutes."

He looks at Kat and smiles.
"Luis is bringing Fisher over, she is acting up."

Going out to Ranger, Donald puts his hand on his snout and smiles. "Don't worry buddy Fisher is on her way she can help you with that."

Luis lands with Fisher Donald puts his hand on her snout and smiles.
"Ranger wants that also follow me."

He leads Fisher into Ranger's pen and right away Fisher turns and presents to Ranger.

Donald looks at Kat and Luis with a knowing smile.
"Out! They need some private time." A few seconds later they hear Ranger and Fisher growling with pleasure.

Donald looks at Kat and Luis. 'They were horny, both needed some special attention from each other. Ranger wanted to mate with Fisher and Fisher wanted to get nailed by Ranger."

Both Kat and Luis look at each other and smile, Luis says.
"Looks like we are going to be partners and I am happy that it is those two that are mating.
I was going to ask you anyway. And now that you have someone who can connect with dragons it will make understanding them much easier."

Luis looks at Donald.
"Can you teach someone else to connect with dragons?"

Kat replies sadly.
"That can't be taught you are born with it or not, it is a rare talent 1 out of every 2000 have a chance of being born with it."

Luis says with a smile.
"So your brother has been blessed with a rare gift, not to sound rude but you lucky little...."

Donald cuts him off.
"It is a blessing and a curse. I know these dragons greatest joys, their worst nightmares, what wakes them up in fear and all of them share one fear, the fear of rejection. Yes they can be easily angered but that is a defensive mechanisms. All these dragons want is acceptance and love in return they give loyalty and love. Kat Sadie says win or loose her next race is her last she wants to retire."

Kat smiles and nods.
"If that is what she wants then I will not say no."

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