First U.N. Meeting

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Donald,Kat,Samantha,Thor and Ranger wait to have their first meeting with the U.N.

Donald is upset with the U.N. council because the meeting was supposed to start an hour ago.

Finally they get called in and the first thing out of Donald's mouth is.
"Who the fuck do you think you are to make us wait this long? Our meeting was to start an hour ago. Unlike you I have important matters to attend to, my life doesn't revolve around you."

The head of the U.N. council says. "I apologize for this failure. I promise you that it will never happen again."

Donald narrows his eyes.
"Be careful it doesn't happen again, if it happens again you will wait until I have time to meet with you."

The Russian council member says.
"You do not make demands to us like that."

Donald turns and says slightly disgusted.
"We are leaving now. These humans have no idea what kind of game they are playing."

Donald looks at the council.
"You are in dangerous territory right now. I am warning you cross me and I will always be a thorn in your life. I will contact you when I'm ready to meet with you."

As they walk out the head of the council says.
"Donald please don't go. Please stay here I am willing to give you as much time as you need. And if we must set another meeting with you, it will be at your convenience not ours."

All the other council members agree with her.

Kat hands a paper to the head council woman and says.
"This is what we want you to deal with first, when you have completed this contact me at the number on the top. There are secret dragon torture camps."

Donald says as his eyes narrow. "You have 30 days if you don't contact us within that time, we will know that we are unable to continue forward with you. I already think you will fail because of the delay of our meeting."

The head council woman stands up.
"I swear to you here and now. We will not fail you."

Donald growls and says.
"We shall see. For your sake I hope you are right."

With that they leave. The Russian council member says.
"That dragon is going to be our hardest challenge. I believe that we have our work cut out for us."

The Chinese council member says.
"That my be true but I for one believe that we can work with him. Much good will become of it. And don't forget in my culture dragons are wise, honorable and trustworthy. That list is a test, a test to see if we are worthy."

The Italian council member says.
"Then we must not fail. He said that he expects us to fail. That hurts but I don't blame him."

The head council woman says. "We must start if we are to prove that we can be trusted. The list we have been given is going to force us to step outside our comfort zone. And I refuse to fail and I refuse to let any of you fail. Now is the time for us to get to work and I want to hear no whinging from anyone. To have a dragons working with us gives us the power to change the world into a better place. Not only for us but for everyone."

The Chinese council member nods and says.
"Failure is not an option and I for one say failure is unacceptable."

The council starts working on the list and within 2 weeks they have completed 80% of the list. All the dragon torture camps are found and taken care of, the ones running them are given a fair trial and are given the choice between death or life prison without parole. Most take life without parole, others take a plea bargain and assist by giving the locations of other torture camps.

Four days before the month is up they contact Kat. Unknown to the council the Russian president was setting things in motion to capture Donald and make him stand trial for his words to the council. Unfortunately he didn't know that Donald wasn't afraid to take action.

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