Thor finds Donald

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Thor picks up the scent of Donald he finds Donald in town at a retirement home. Donald was here almost every day visiting and helping.

Thor lands and chuckles.
"Hello dad, do you realize that everyone is going crazy trying to find you?"

Donald looks at him.
"I left a message telling Kat that I was going to visit the retirement home. Don't tell me she didn't read it."

One of the ladies asks.
"Donald who is this handsome dragon?"

Thor replies blushing slightly. "My name is Thor and thank you for that complement. And what is your name if I may ask?"

The woman giggles.
"I'm Tina nice to meet you Thor."

Thor looks at Donald and spreads his wings.
"I'll let everyone know that you are here and I'll also remind Kat to check for a message before she goes off. Have fun hanging here."

As Thor turns to leave he feels a little set of hands grab his tail and a small voice says.
"Stay and pway dwagon pwease?"

Because of his kind heart Thor says with a smile.
"Ok but only for a little while."

Thor hears Samantha.
"And Thor gets caught by the children again."

Thor smiles and says.
"So, I can't help it if I have a soft spot for children. Besides what better way to let the future generations know that dragons are friends."

Samantha lands and smiles.
"Yes I agree with you. This is the best way to ensure that dragons and humans live together in peace and happiness."

Samantha hears a strong male voice.
"What a beautiful dragon be still my beating heart."

Samantha turns her head to look and her heart jumps she unconsciously says out loud. "What a handsome human, I hope he is single."

He smiles blushing slightly.
"Yes I am, and by your comment I am going to guess that you are single as well."

Thor sees a woman who appears to be the same age as the young man.
"What a sexy creature I wonder if she is married?"

She walks to Thor and says with a smile.
"Not yet but I hope that you can change that."

As she puts her hand on his chest, Thor feels a a bolt of electricity shooting through him. Without thinking he grabs her. "You are mine."

With surprise in her eyes and a feeling of pure love she says.
"I am yours, take me as your wife."

Donald says laughing.
"Ok you two you are hereby under orders to take your future mates to your mother and then you must meet their parents as well unless they have passed on. If you fail I will punish you myself, is that understood?"

Both Thor and Samantha snap to attention.
"Yes father orders received and understood."

Donald spends a few more hours visiting and says.
"I have enjoyed my time with you but I have to go. By the way all of you are invited to the next race as my guests."

This chapter is dedicated to the two that have been there for me.
RedDragon09and erutansfires. Thank you

Dragon's Desire. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang