Fisher Challenges Donald.

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As Donald gets home for the weekend, he hears a loud thud behind him and hot breath hits his neck. It was Fisher and she wanted a race, and no was not an acceptable answer.

Donald smiles and turns around.
"Hi Fisher, where is your rider?"

Fisher growls and snorts loudly.
Donald hears in his mind.
"I'm here to challenge you, do you accept or do you deny?"

Donald smiles and chuckles.
"I accept. This is what it will be. You and your rider against me and a dragon of my choosing. Winner will have the pleasure of choosing what the looser must do."

Fisher nods and growls.
"I accept the terms, see you tomorrow morning. Prepare yourself for a loss and embarrassment." Before Donald could reply Fisher flies off.

Smiling to himself Donald goes to Sadie and tells her what happened. Sadie nods and growls.
"Although Fisher is a very good friend, she is going to loose this challenge. But I would love to watch, so could you possibly race with Ranger or another dragon?"

Donald smiles and nods.
"Sure Sadie no problem. Donald goes to Ranger and tells him. Ranger asks if he could watch also. Donald agrees and goes and asks if Popcorn wants to race with him. Popcorn nods and she says looking at him.
"Yes, I would love to. Fisher is my sister, and it would be fun to race her."

The next morning Donald and Popcorn wait for Fisher and her rider to arrive. As Fisher lands Popcorn growls and shakes her head, Fisher had always teased Popcorn that she was too small to race when they were younger.

Donald smiles and nods.
"Four laps around the marked route, first one to finish wins."

Fisher looks at Popcorn and growls.
"So it is sister vs sister. Prepare to loose Popcorn."

Popcorn growls back at Fisher.
"We shall see. Just remember that I have been training with Sadie and Ranger."

Donald smiles and chuckles.
"Ok girls, time to focus on the race. The route is marked by green and blue markers. Stay within them, also we have others watching."

The race starts and Fisher takes the lead, but soon realizes that this is twice the size of a normal track. Fisher growls and slows down, Donald had set up an endurance race and Popcorn had the advantage but Fisher was going to make Popcorn work for the win.

Popcorn catches up to Fisher and stays by her side. Two laps in and Donald notices Fisher starting to have trouble, she was struggling to stay in flight.
Sheila looks at Donald and says.
"I have to call it, Fisher is struggling to much. Donald, Popcorn you win. This was fun but I don't want to take any chances."

Donald nods and says.
"I agree, let's call it a tie."
Sadie, Ranger, Dark Knight and White Knight were following watching. Dark Knight and White Knight put a harness under Fisher and fly back to the ranch. Sadie and Ranger follow Popcorn back to the ranch. After they arrive both get a wash down and massage.

Donald smiles and praised Fisher and Popcorn. Fisher felt bad for not completing the race but knew that she had agreed to let Donald set up the race.

Popcorn nudges Fisher and says.
"That was fun, but I don't want you to think that I'm going to tease you about it. You are a truly amazing sister and competitor. To be honest I was starting to have trouble also. I love you sister and will always look up to you."

Fisher nods and smiles.
"I'm happy to have a sister like you. Perhaps I will watch you in the dragon races one day. I may have teased you about being smaller than me, but I was jealous of you and I was wrong to do so. Can you forgive me Popcorn?"

Popcorn nods and smiles.
"I have already forgiven you sister. But I can't race my wings are not strong enough to handle the stresses of the races. I have always cheered for you even though I'm not part of your team."

Fisher puts her wing over Popcorn and sisters share a touching bonding moment.

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