Dragon Festival

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All the trainers, riders, owners, and friends gather for the festival. This was the one time each year that the dragons were given a celebration for all that they do. It basically was a day of spoiling the dragons. All the dragon treats they can eat, expensive bathing, oils, spa treatments and a day to get as dirty as they wanted. It was also a day for the dragons to mate as much as they wanted and no one would stop them. It was a free for all day for the dragons.

Kat placed a order for party foods 4 days ago it takes that long to get it out to the ranch because it comes from all over the world and it has to be delivered fresh day of the festival.

The dragon protection program officials say to Kat.
"We have new applications and we need some help on our decision."

Kat asks with a inquisitive look.
"Why do you need our help isn't that your job?"

DPO 1 (Dragon protection official 1) nods and says .
"You are right but it involves a possible dragon rider like Donald. They claim to be able to do what your brother can."

Kat looks at them with a disbelieving stare.
"Unlikely, but it is possible, how many applications do you need help with?"

"Is it true that Donald successfully had young with one of your dragons?"

Kat narrows her eyes.
"Answer my question and I will answer your question."

DPO1 says with a small amount of disgust glaring at DPO2.
"We need help with 4 applications."

Just then Donald and Sadie walk up with 5 young dragons, and they ask.
"Daddy can we go play?"

Donald smiles.
"Yes my children you may go play but be careful." As they run off they say.
"Ok daddy we will."

Kat smiles at Donald and Sadie. "They are so cute and so well mannered."

DPO 2 just looks with surprise.

Sadie growls at her, Donald says. "Sadie is concerned about your look, and I am as well. What are you thinking?"

DPO 2 says.
"I can't believe that you actually were able to have young with a dragon."

Donald looks at Sadie.
"Please check on the children my love, I must speak with this human and I don't want you to get upset."

Donald turns to DPO 2.
"What do you mean by your comment? I hope it was a harmless comment for your sake because I have become a dragon rider warrior and I will fight if you have any malice against us."

DPO 2 shakes her head.
" I did not intend any malice against you or anyone I am sorry if I offended you please forgive me."

Kat looks at her.
"It was Sadie that made this choice because she seen who he really was when we could not."

Donald looks at Kat with a smile.
"You my sister are a dragon rider warrior like me Ranger told me. Call to Ranger and ask him what I told him to tell you."

Kat calls Ranger.
"Ranger what did Donald tell you to tell me?"

Kat's eyes open wide and says. "Yes Ranger I understand you want to retire as well so now you and Sadie must pick your replacements in the dragon races. You have chosen already? Your replacements are Hell Fire and Lady Shadow? Very well our next race will be with them. I am the rider for Hell Fire and Donald is the rider for Lady Shadow. As you wish I will not disagree."

Donald says with a small chuckle. "I have started their training already but I need your help."

He looks at the DPO.
"Any interfere will be taken as a act of aggression and I will respond with what I feel appropriate. Is that understood? I will not tolerate interference, me and my teams will be given the proper respect. If you don't agree tell me now."

All three DPO officials nod and say.
"You have our word we will not interfere."

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