New Direction

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It has been one week and already the changes have started. Donald and four others have updated many of the regulations.

The three DPO that were on the panel have been allowed to keep their positions, taking suggestions from all the teams on what they would like changed.

Donald has not made it easy for them, day after day he says.
"You need to remember that we are here to help the teams and protect the dragons we are the only line of defense against abuse and neglect."

He looks at them sadly.
"Today is a very sad day we have to revoke a license and remove the dragons there."

Everyone there hates doing that but it is for the best, arriving at the site where they find beaten and tortured dragons, unsanitary conditions.

The situation is so bad that it angers Donald so badly he goes off on the owner.
"How could you let this happen? You signed a contract that says you would care for and love these dragons. And you have failed to do so, under the new regulations you can be charged with wilfully endangering lives, not just dragons but people as well. As of now you are not allowed to keep or house dragons. If you are found with a dragon here you will be imprisoned for having a dragon without a license."

It takes hours for Donald to get the dragons to trust him, he had been bitten 4 times and scratched 7 times, but the dragons get loaded into the transport and taken to receive medical care.

When they get back the medical staff is waiting for them the dragons that were rescued. They spend the next five months getting treatment for the wounds and to get them ready to go to a new home. 2 of the 8 dragons rescued get taken to Dragon Haven to live in peace Sadie and Ranger help work with them to be calm and trusting. Because of the abuse it takes another 3 months to get the two that came to Dragon Haven to trust anyone including Donald but it was worth the work.

The two new dragons join the race teams, as Dark Knight and White Knight.

Donald and Kat work with them for the whole off season getting them ready for the first race of the season. What both Donald and Kat find amazing is how fast Dark Knight and White Knight learn the commands and calls.

The first race Donald and Kat enter the dragons Silver Fire rides Dark Knight and Black Kat rides White Knight, although new to the races they take fourth and fifth in the dragon races. As she promised Fisher took first place. And Donald congratulated her for the win. Fisher was happy but also a little sad because Donald was riding a rookie in the races. She accepted his praise on the win but she wanted to have a race just between them. Donald tells Fisher that he would love that.

Donald and Kat praises the dragons for their efforts and for a job well done. Dark knight and White Knight for the first time roar in excitement, two new dragons join the race teams for Dragon Haven and they work harder with the riders to be the best they can they slowly become more trusting of the humans around them. It becomes obvious that the excitement and the praise drive both Dark Knight and White Knight to work harder and together to be the best they can.

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