The connection Cont.

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As Kat returns she sees Sadie's eyes locked with Donald's she walks up expecting her approach to break this staring contest.

To her surprise it doesn't as Sadie and Donald keep their eyes locked, then she hears her brother say.
"Yes Sadie I understand, but Kat thinks that I am not ready yet."

Sadie snorts loudly and a low growl emits from her. Sadie puts her snout centimeters from Donald and he hears in a forceful tone.
"You will tell her. She will get you ready. This is my wish do not deny me my wish."

Donald gulps and says not wanting to anger Sadie this close to his face. He could feel her hot breath on his face and neck, it was like getting hit with a desert wind or opening the oven as something was cooking.
"As you wish Sadie I will speak with her and tell her of your plans for you and me. And thank you for that moment of pleasure that we shared perhaps we can do that again."

Sadie snorts happily and leaves, Sadie stops and looks at Donald.
"Remember, you are the most important thing to me right now. Nothing is above you, winning a race was all I cared about before you came into my life. Now all I care about is our life together, and your happiness."

Kat is at a loss for words never has she seen the connection she had heard of it but never witnessed it.

Donald turns to Kat.
"Hi sis what's up, you look like you just seen a ghost."

Kat looks at him confused.
"What plans dose Sadie have for you and her and what is this about a moment of pleasure that you shared?"

Closing his eyes Donald says. "Sadie wants me to ride her in her next race and it is your responsibility to make sure I am ready, and yes Sadie made me promise her I would be her rider at her next race."

Turning away from her Donald says.
"Sadie and I made a unbreakable bond we mated. It turns out that we were chosen to be the catalyst for change."

Kat hugs her brother.
"If this is Sadie's wish then I will make sure you are ready to ride her to victory in her next race. Sadie has chosen you and I am not going to disappoint. Your training starts tomorrow, Dragon Rider Silver Fire. Your riding name is Silver Fire, here at the ranch you will be Donald but on race day you will be called Silver Fire." But in her head Kat is screaming. "What the hell is going on? Sadie and my brother are mates? And how am I supposed to get him ready, training takes years and I only have weeks. Ok,ok calm down Kat you can do this, you are a champion with the two best dragons in the races."

That night Donald dreams of flying with Sadie. In his dream they are flying over a lush green forest. But the scene turns to the day Sadie crashed. Both Kat and Sadie lay on the ground Sadie was injured badly, a broken flag pole lay beside them. Sadie was in her private enclosure whimpering as she too also had the same dream about her crash.

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