U.N. Meeting

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It was decided that the U.N. was going to meet at Dragon Haven, they wanted to watch a race because there was not a race scheduled for the day Donald and Kat set one up.

The race teams meet the U.N. council and share ideas and concerns. Everything they talked about gave the council more information to work with.

Kat tells them about the rules, regulations and everything else about the races. She takes them on a tour of the track on Dragon Haven property, the council takes notes and pictures. If there was going to be international races the tracks had to be set up to regulations. Another issue that was to be dealt with before any races could happen was transportation of dragons and the teams. That alone was a logistical nightmare. But with help from the teams, Donald and the DPO they were certain it could be done.

Donald contacts the DPO about the race and what is going on, Tina sends some personell to observe and keep the race within the rules.

Fisher rubs against Donald and licks his cheek, Sadie watches but didn't interfere. Sadie knew how Fisher felt about Donald and had always seen Fisher as a friend and sister, but she wasn't sure about letting her mate with him.

Donald smiles and chuckles and licks Fisher's cheek.
"I know what you want Fisher, you must ask Sadie about that. I will not do that without her permission."

Fisher nods and walks to her rider preparing for the race.

The U.N. council watches as the teams fly around the track, it was amazing and a little scary watching the dragons race around the track with only inches between them. Donald smiles and calls out to the teams as they complete each lap. On the last lap the teams start really pushing for first place. The Council watch as teams pass each other at high speed with inches between them.

The Chinese council member says with a small amount of fear in his voice.
"This is very exciting and nerve racking at the same time."

The teams pass over head at high speed the sound was amazing and frightening. Donald's wing was healed and he was itching to race.

Sadie and Ranger growl and nod at Donald. Kat smiles and says.
"If you thought that was amazing, wait till you see these three. They push the limits, especially Donald, he holds the record for fastest speed. 110 mph and let me tell you it is scary watching him go that fast."

The U.S. council member looks at Kat with surprise.
"Are you serious? That speed could be deadly if he were to crash. How is he able to maintain control at that speed?"

Donald smiles and chuckles.
"Very carefully madam council member, very carefully."

The Chinese council member looks at Kat and says.
"I would like to see that. Not that I don't believe you, but it seems impossible for a dragon to fly that fast especially as big as he is."

Donald smiles and says.
"You think my size hinders me? You underestimate me, but I can understand your position. Sadie, Ranger let's have some fun."

Sadie and Ranger nod and growl walking to the starting line with Donald.

Kat smiles and says as she stands in front of the three of them.
"This race is three laps, freestyle and no rules except as follows. No attacking your competitors, no cheating and no cutting across the track."

Donald, Sadie and Ranger all nod and get ready. Kat drops the flag and they are off. Right after turn 2 on the back straightaway all three pull a twist of fate, as they approach turn 3 Donald stays in close to the inside and turns tightly, after he takes turn 4 Donald pulls a double twist of fate and pulls ahead. Kat lifts a radar gun and checks Donald's speed. Kat smiles and shows the Chinese council member the speed.

He gasps and says.
"He is flying at 108 mph? That is truly amazing."

Donald passes overhead and it sounded like a strong winds passing between buildings, the wind behind him felt like a wind storm, Kat kneels down as the U.N. council get taken off their feet and put butt first on the ground.

The council stays sat down as the three dragons race around the track. On the last lap all three are close enough to each other to touch wings, Ranger pulls ahead and wins the race. The council sits in awe of what they just witnessed.

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