Teaching A Lesson

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As Donald gets ready to race with Ghost as his rider Donald looks at Ghost.
"You just keep an eye on the other teams I have one of these teams to teach a lesson."

The flag drops and they are off. 3 laps in Donald pulls a twist of fate and then a high G turn around corner 4. Donald feels a small amount of pain but ignores it.

On the back straight away he pulls a double twist of fate and has a lead that makes it impossible to catch him.

The announcer says with a little fear in his voice.
"Three twist of fate Ghost and Dark Knight are pushing the limits, Dark Knight speed 97 mph. Ladies and gentlemen don't forget that Dark Knight broke his wing in three places last year. How he is racing is a mystery. Two laps to go. Ladies and gentlemen this is the fastest a team has ever had the guts to go. Dark Knight speed is now 105 mph. Ladies and gentlemen at this speed a crash is deadly they are taking a serious risk. A crash will kill both dragon and rider. What are they thinking?"

Kat watches as Donald and Tim race past her, her heart was racing fear had a grip on her. When she heard how fast they were going her heart skipped a beat. Thinking to herself.
"Brother what are you doing? Why are you risking your life?"

As Donald turns corner 2 his right wing gives out. The race announcer says in a panic.
"Oh no Dark Knight's right wing has failed they are going down. Ghost has no choice but to bail out. Emergency medical to turn 2."

The young man turns and heads to Donald.
"Come on Justice push it we need to save him." He tells Donald. "We may have had our disagreement between us but there is no way in hell I am going to let you crash. Not today not on my watch."

The announcer says surprised. "Spyder and Justice are helping Dark Knight another team willing to take a loss to help a fellow competitor. This is amazing ladies and gentlemen. Emergency medical to turn 2."

Spyder looks at Donald.
"I was stupid to say what I did and now I feel like a idiotic fool for what has happened to you. You showed me that I am in serious need of you help, I was wrong to allow you to do this. Can you forgive me Donald?"

Donald smiles putting his head on the ground and groaning in pain.
"You have learned a valuable lesson young man yes I can forgive you."

Spyder hugs Donald.
"No longer will I let my egotistical ways prevent me from learning from a master of the dragon races."

Spyder starts to examine Donald's wing he smiles and says. "It's not broken, your wing just couldn't handle the stresses you were putting on it. Justice get my bag please."

Spyder starts rubbing cream on Donald's wing.
"This will help with the pain and the swelling. No use of your wing for 2 days. I am also a dragon veterinarian, started classes about 3 months ago. And now I know who I want to be the full time vet for. Dragon Haven you are going to need me to take care of you. And the rest of the dragons at Dragon Haven, now I'm going to have you transported back to Dragon Haven and I want you to take it easy for a couple of days. Is that understood?"

Donald smiles and says.
"Yes doc loud and clear and thanks for the help."

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