Accepting A Loss

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Donald sits at Shimmers's grave Sadie and Ranger come to comfort him Ranger whines and nudges Donald and Sadie puts her head on his lap looking at him. Both are worried about Donald.

Sadie looks at Donald with concern in her eyes. Sadie feels his sadness she lifts her head as Donald leans forward and kisses the head stone and puts a white rose on the grave.
"I will miss you Shimmer and I will always remember and love you. Zu'u lokal hei dii fahdon."
(Translation from Dovahzul is I love you my friend.)

Donald stands both Sadie and Ranger lift their heads and roaring so loudly that it echoes around the ranch Donald lifts his head and roars his best in response Sadie and Ranger roar again.

Sadie picks Donald up and goes to her private enclosure and curls around Donald holding him they fall asleep.

Sadie growls at Ranger.
"No one enters! We must protect our rider."

Ranger  nods and lays by the door and goes to sleep.

The next morning Kat finds Sadie curled around Donald both asleep.

Kat says with a smile on her face. "Don't wake them up this is a bonding between dragon and rider."

Kat hears a powerful growl as Ranger looks at her.

Kat says a small amount of fear in her voice.
" Let them be my brother is not to do anything unless he comes to us."

One of the ranch hands tries to enter but Ranger stops him and a fear inducing growl follows. Ranger stares at him as smoke starts billowing out of his nose.

Kat says in a panic.
"Back away he is protecting his and Sadie's rider and he will attack if you continue. Ranger is protecting him in his moment of sadness and weaknesses. I am warning all Sadie and Ranger will injure or kill anyone who is deemed a threat this is a dangerous time for all of us. My advice is to let him come to you do not approach them."

As everyone else leaves Kat looks at Ranger.
"Remember that you will need to eat but protect him until he is no longer in this condition."

Ranger looks at her and growls Kat says putting her hands up in surrender.
"Ok, ok I'm going please take care of him I can't loose him also he is the only blood relative I have left."

Sadie looks at Kat and purrs lightly Kat smiles and leaves.

For the next 4 days Sadie keeps Donald with her as if he was her child watching and protecting him with a mother's instincts. If anyone gets too close she growls fiercely.

Donald goes to Kat and asks. "How long until the big race?" Sadie watches with unwavering attention.

Kat replies as she watched Sadie. "It is in 7 weeks, will you be ready? If not I can tell them we will not be there."

Donald nods and smiles.
"I will be ready I just need one more night with Sadie and Ranger. Kat I can't believe that Shimmer is really gone. She was my first friend, and now she is gone."

Kat says with a smile.
"Take your time brother I have been told how devastating the loss of a dragon to a rider can be."

Kat hugs him and says.
"I love you brother. Shimmer loved you as a friend. It hurts me also, I wish she was still here too."

Donald hugs her and Sadie puts her wings around them and purrs lightly.

That night Kat says.
"Everyone listen the loss we had is hard for us but to a dragon rider it is a devastating blow it is like getting your heart ripped from your chest while you are alive. I want everyone to be there for my brother if he needs you, the race is in 7 weeks and he needs to be ready and focused."

Looking at everyone she asks. "Can I count on all of you?"

Everyone says with determination.
"Yes if he needs us we are here for him and we all will help him get ready for the race."

Grace says with a serious tone.
"I will be there for him for whatever he needs. No matter what I will not fail. I would die before I fail him."

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