A fresh start

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A few days later a motorcade pulls up to Dragon Haven. The new president of Russia gets out of his car and says something to the guards, they nod and step back.

Kat had a rough morning dealing with sick dragons and Donald was in a foul mood because he was up all night long, he was one of the sick dragons.

Kat sees the Russian president walking up and says.
"Who are you and what do you want?"

Taken back by her tone he smiles and says with a heavy russian accent.
"My name is Demetry Romonoff, the new president of Russia. I wish to speak with Donald and Kat, but it appears that I have come at a bad time. I can come back later."

Kat sighs and smiles.
"I'm sorry about my tone, I've got 4 sick dragons and believe me a sick dragon is way worse than you might think. What can I do for you? I'm Kat and Donald is trying to rest, he is not in a good mood today."

Demetry nods and says.
"I can understand your position. Anything I can do to help? I actually was hoping to restart talks about dragon races in Russia."

Kat nods and says as she mixes up medicine for the sick dragons.
"Are you afraid to get dirty? Mind if you get puked on?"

Demetry nods and takes his coat off and rolls up his sleeves.
"I don't mind, I was raised on a farm. What do you need?"

Kat nods and smiles.
"Donald is one of the sick dragons and he is in a foul mood. We need to give him this medicine and it is not going to be fun."

Demetry nods and says.
"I am not afraid. I must prove that russia can be trusted, and I'm willing to do anything to prove it."

They get to Donald's enclosure and Kat knocks lightly. From inside a weary voice says.
"Who is it? And don't pound on the door please."

Kat sighs and says.
"It's me, I've got some medicine for you."

Donald growls and says.
"Fine. But don't expect me to be happy about it."

Demetry looks at Kat and says.
"Allow me to try. Donald my name is Demetry Romonoff and I'm the new Russian president."

Donald growls and says angrily.
"What do you want?"

Kat looks at Demetry and says.
"He is still angry about what happened."

Demetry nods and sighs.
"I don't blame him. What happened was uncalled for, I only want to do right by Donald."

Kat walks in and smiles.
"Here drink this. It will help you feel better."

Donald nods and drinks the medicine, he gags and says.
"That was disgusting! I've tasted some bad tasting medicine before but that was foul."

Demetey chuckles and smiles.
"I can agree with you about that.
I have had some bad tasting medicine."

Donald smiles and nods.
"I'm sorry for my bad mood, being sick sucks, and it is worse as a dragon. I feel bad about you coming all this way and I'm sick. Can we possibly talk tomorrow? I need to rest, I can barely keep my eyes open because I'm so tired."

Demetry nods and smiles.
"Of course Donald, that is fine."

Kat nods and says.
"We have plenty of rooms here at the ranch. You and the ones who came with you can stay in the guest house."

Demetry and his staff get their rooms and Demetry sends word back about the sick dragons and requests for help to be sent to assist caring for the dragons and also to help around the ranch. Just before 8 pm the help arrives. Demetry informs them about what they will be doing. The next morning the dragon poop is already picked up and put in the compost pile, as well as the enclosure for all the dragons cleaned, fresh water, fresh bedding and food.

Kat couldn't believe it, the worst smelling jobs were done. And what surprised Kat even more was the fact that Demetry was cleaning out Donald's enclosure and Donald had puked during the night. Kat offered the ones who came to help a job on the ranch all but five were single and had a family to bring to the U.S. if they took the job. Demetry set everything in motion to get their legal papers for everyone including the families.

Donald nudges Demetry.
"I  willing to talk with you, but don't be surprised if I puke or nod off."

Demetry nods and smiles.
"That is fine, you had a rough night. I was just wanting to speak with you about getting dragon races in Russia."

Donald nods and says.
"Come, let us talk at one of my favorite thinking spots. Maybe a calm setting will help me feel better and we can talk without interruption."

Demetry nods, Kat walks up and says.
"Before you go take your medicine."

Donald takes the medicine and says jokingly.
"Fine, but you do realize this could be considered cruel and unusual punishment."

Kat smiles and chuckles.
"Yeah? Well so can dealing with you."

Donald smiles and chuckles.
"Point taken sis, but you would be bored without me."

Kat chuckles and smiles.
"You are right about that brother. This place would be a sleepy boring ranch without you."

Donald drinks the medicine and gags.

Kat smiles and pats Donald's shoulder.
"One more day and then that's it."

Donald nods and says.
"Follow me Demetry, it isn't far to where we can talk."

Demetry nods and follows Donald, looking around he smiles and says.
"Such a beautiful place, I will definitely be coming here again to visit."

Donald and Demetry spend all morning talking, it started about the races but quickly turned to idle chitchat. The ranch staff and other dragons walk by as both Demetry and Donald talk and laugh.

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