Chaper 1: Moving

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Lacey Montez:

"Lacey, go get the rest of the boxes in your room," my mom instructed. I silently agreed and jogged up the swirling staircase. My messy bun was flopping behind me, and my clothes were damp from all the heavy box lifting. I make my way into my room and see Sierra getting her bag ready. 

"You ready?" I asked her.

"Yup!" she answered while slipping on her backpack. "Is Aspyn driving us to the airport?"

"I think so," I responded and picked up the last box in my room. "This kinda sucks," I sighed. "I've been  having this bedroom for eighteen years. It sucks to grow up and leave." I look around the empty room and remember where my stuff would usually be. Sierra comes from behind me and rubs my back.

"It sucks to leave something you love, isn't it," Sierra muttered. She was talking about her parents who passed away when she was sixteen. Sierra hasn't dealt with it really great. She was taking meds to help her feel better. Every once and awhile she would have emotional breakdowns, but I would always be there by her side to pick up the pieces. That's what best friends do anyway, right?

"Wanna vlog?" I quickly asked before we both started crying, knowing that vlogging would make Sierra feel a bit better.

"Of course," she smiled.

I set down the box of items and take out my vlog camera from my sweatshirt jacket. I got myself ready and pressed play.

"HEY GUYS!" Sierra yelled, excitedly into my ears.

I giggled as I jokingly rubbed my ears with my free hand. "Sorry," Sierra apologized innocently.

"Anways," I giggled out as I payed back attention to the camera. "We have some big new for you guys... Sierra tell 'em."

"We're moving guys!" she yelled once again making me giggle again.

"Specifically in Canada," I stated. "We're so excited to move into our first apartment. I promise I'll be making new videos soon after we settle in our new home. For now, I'll be daily vlogging for you guys, so stay tuned!"

Sierra smiled wide and waved to the camera. I pressed the stop button and slipped the camera back into my pocket. I picked up the box I left on the floor as I hear Aspyn calling for us. "Guys, hurry up! I have to meet someone after I drop you off at the airport!"

"Coming!" Sierra yelled back and opened the door for me to come downstairs. 

I made my way downstairs and saw my brother playing video games. "Mikey! We're leaving now!" i screeched as I made my way outside to put the last box into the moving truck. Surprisingly, he stopped his game with his friends and followed me, Sierra, and Aspyn outside.

"Wow. That's a first," Sierra giggled as she gave a small hug to Michael. "Mikey, I'm gonna miss you."

"Guys, I'm fifteen. The name's Michael," he scoffed.

"But you're so cute!" I jokingly cooed and cupped his cheeks after I set the box in the truck.

He rolled his eyes and pushed my hands off, "I'm gonna go back inside."

"Not yet," Sierra and I said in unison and came to him for a bear-hug.

"Be good," I whispered. "Text me when you finally get a girlfriend."

"Oh, shut up," he chuckled and headed back inside.

"Be safe on your trip girls," my mom sighed as she came in for a hug. "Lacey, your dad will probably chat with you on your computer. You know how they are over there. Your dad's fighting and it's tough."

"I know," I simply answered and checked my watch. 12:37

"Mom, we better go. Our flight's at two," I rushed and gave her a quick kiss.

"Bye, Ms. Montez." Sierra smiled and headed to the back seat of Aspyn's car.

"I'll see you tonight, mom." Aspyn waved and we both headed to the car.

"You guys ready for Canada?" Aspyn asked once she was settled in the car.

"Yup!" Sierra and I exclaimed as we drove out of the driveway, away from my home.


Here's the first chapter! Hope you guys like it so far! I'll be updating soon!



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