Chapter 15: What Now?

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Lacey Montez:

"Good morning, my loves! I'm so sorry I haven't vlogged the pass couple of days, but that's because I have officially moved to Canada with Ms. Sierra Foster!" I exclaimed, standing in front of one of our windows for better lighting. Sierra comes into view and waves her hands like crazy.

I giggled and continued on. "It is currently 9:37 as of right now, and today we have to be super productive. We have to unpack and someone's coming to set up our wifi at around eleven. Anyways, the moving truck came around 8:50, and we've just finished getting the last box inside."

"Did you tell them the news?" Sierra asked, ripping open the boxes.

I shook my head no, but decided to tell my fans anyways. "So... I'm actually going back to LA tomorrow. There was a family accident, and I have no idea when I'm coming back. I'm really sorry. I'll try my best to make more videos though!"

"Lace!" Sierra calls from the front door. I go over and see Chris. With flowers. 

Wait... what? Flowers?

I turn off my vlog camera and greet him at the door. "Hey, Chris. Those for me?"

"Yup! And Sierra. Just a little housewarming gift."


"I heard you vlogging. Can I say hi?" he chuckled and took the camera out of my hand.

"Hey guys!" he yelled. "This is a Chris take over-"

"GIMME!" I laughed and grabbed the camera out of his grasp.

"Hey! I wasn't finished!" he laughed back and grabbed me by the waist. He wrapped his arms around me and spun me around.

"Chris!" I laughed. "Careful, the camera!"

"What a cute couple!" we hear Sierra squeal with her phone in her hand, no doubt, recording us.

Chris stops and starts laughing like crazy. 

"Sierra! My vlog camera's still on!" I giggled.

She covers her hand with her mouth and giggles. "Just edit it out."

I playfully rolled my eyes at her and turned off the camera. "So Chris, how long are you staying?" I asked as I set down the camera on our kitchen table.

"Until you guys get tired of me," he chuckled.

I smiled and grabbed one of the boxes full of our stuff. "Great. Now you can help us unpack." I dumped the box into his hands, but he immediately puts it down.

"If you're not gonna help, you can leave," I playfully tease.

However, his face was serious as if something inside him switched.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked, scratching the back of his head. Sierra looked at us as Chris said, "Alone?" Sierra silently nodded and jogged up to the second floor.

Chris takes a step closer to me and suddenly my breath feels short. "Yeah?"

"Listen, Lace. What happened last night was the best night of my life."

I've bet you've said that before to your ex.

"And I don't want to pretend like nothing happened. I like you. A lot. I want us to be something, just you and me. You've completely changed me, and I just love you so much. You got me feeling all these emotions. So, I want to be something with you."

"Chris, I don't know. I'm leaving for awhile, so there's really no point in being together with me leaving. I'm sorry... I just hate the idea being apart from my boyfriend. I mean, let's face it. While I'm gone you could meet someone-"

"That's not going to happen."

"And why not?"

"I love you." He cups my face so I look him in the eyes.

"Chris, I love you too. But as of right now, I just don't think it's going work."

Fuck. I'm messing this up. Big time.

"How about when you come back?" he asks as he grabs my hands.

"I don't know..." I wanted to cry. Tell him yes. Hug him. Kiss him. 

But I couldn't...

Chris looks at me and let's go of my hands. He picks up the box that he left on the ground and opens it up.

"Chris? I'm really sorry... I-"

"I am too," he simply says, not even looking me in the eye. He opens the box and starts to take out stuff without another word.


haha sry short chapter

new chapter soon!




My Not-So-Cliche Love Story**Chris Collins Fanfic**Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt