Chapter 16: Soarin'

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Lacey Montez:

After hours of editing, I managed to put my vlog up. I put my laptop inside my carry on backpack and double checked if I had everything. It was 5 in the morning, and I decided to start today's vlog when I was at the airport. 

"Lace?" Sierra comes in with coffee in one hand. "For you." she smiled and handed me the coffee. 

"Thanks," I sighed and plopped down in my desk chair. "We'll leave in a bit. I just need to rest. I'm tired after all that editing. I didn't get to sleep much."

Sierra silently nodded. "Hey Lace?"

"Yeah?" I answered, closing my eyes and enjoying the taste of the coffee in my mouth.

"What happened. Yesterday, I mean. Did something happened between you and Chris?"

I opened my eyes and looked at her. "I-I rejected Chris. He basically asked me out, but I had to say no. I don't think I'll be able to handle it."

"No wonder he didn't want to come with me and Crawf to drop you off. But you're only leaving for a few weeks," she muttered.

I took in a deep breath and let it out, trying to stay calm. "Like I said, I can't handle it." I put the mug of coffee down and check my papers and passport.

"But that doesn't mean you reject him!" she suddenly yells. "I thought you liked him."

"Sierra, I don't want to deal with a long distant relationship!" I suddenly snapped.

She crossed her hands over her chest. "Did you at least say that you'll be ready when you come back?"

"He asked me," I whispered. "But I said, I don't know."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you," she says, talking like a disappointed mother. "Crawf's going to be here soon. Better hurry up," she simply says, changing the subject.

I picked up my mug and finished it. I silently nodded. "Sierra, I'm sorry," I start to say, but she already shuts the door behind her.


"Thanks guys," I lean in from the back seat of the car and give both Sierra and Crawford a hug.

"Call us?" Crawford smiled at me.

I smiled back at him. "Of course."

I looked at Sierra who looked on the edge of breaking into tears. "I'm so sorry," I sobbed and pulled her into a hug. 

"It's okay," she sobbed back, crying on my shoulder. "It's so hard to be mad at you. I'm sorry I snapped." She pulled away and looked at me with teary, red eyes. "Text me everyday. Call me everyday. Update me everyday. Promise?" she giggled out, tears still in her eyes.

I giggled, tears still streaming down my cheeks as well.

"She's only going to be gone for a couple of weeks," we hear Crawford mutter.

"You're just jealous," Sierra giggled. "I don't give you this much attention, huh." She stuck out her tongue at him which made me laugh.

"No I'm not," he whines like a baby and crosses his arms over his chest. 

"Oh come here," Sierra pouted and reached over to give Crawford a kiss.

"EWWWWW!" I yelled. "I'm leaving now before I vomit!" I call out, teasingly, getting my backpack and jumping out of the car. I go over to the trunk and take out my luggage. Crawford comes out and helps me get it out.

"Bye. Don't have too much fun." 

"I won't." I agreed and pulled him in for a hug.

"My turn again!" I hear Sierra from behind me. I give her one last big hug and decide that I should leave before I miss my flight.

I wave as the two of them get into the car, leaving just as I'm doing the same.

After going through security and checking in my luggage, I made my way to my boarding area. I took out my vlog camera and vlogged.

"Good morning! It's a new day, and it's currently 6:25. I'm at the airport on my way home. If you didn't watch yesterday's vlog then you wouldn't know that I have moved to Canada with Sierra and that I'm actually going back to LA for a few weeks. But, you guys should watch yesterdays vlog. We did a lot of stuff. Chris was actually..."


"Anyways," I quickly changed the subject, " we did a lot of unpacking at our apartment. We did our rooms, and all we need now is the living room couches and a bit of the kitchen stuff. So yeah-"

The announcer goes on, and I hear that my plane is boarding in 5 minutes. I turn off my camera and start to line up. Once I reach the flight attendant, I give her my boarding ticket.

"Ready to go soarin', miss?" the flight attendant that looked mid-20s, giggled.

Soarin'... Chris. 

I nodded and gave her a small smile. She let me through, and I made my way over to my seat. Once I sat down, I looked out the window and remembered the first time I saw Chris.

He had a nice green color in his eyes that went with his light brown hair. But, I wasn't going to fall for him. I barely even knew the guy. I couldn't just fall in love with someone I haven't even talked to.

When he talked to me for the first time...

"Is this seat number 17?" someone, a boy, asked. I looked up and it was him. His eyes sparkled in the lighting of the plane, and his light brown hair was swooped up in one direction. I shut my eyes hoping this was all just a dream, but it only made things worse.

"Hey," he chuckled slightly. "You okay?"

And the first full conversation we had...

"Is this your first time soarin'?" the boy asked.

I turned to face him and giggled. "Soarin'?"

"What?" he chuckled back. His smile was wide and bright which made things worse for my stomach. I felt like I was in a race, trying to win. My stomach kept hurting, and it was really hard to focus on him.

"No this isn't my first time soarin'," I giggled once again while emphasizing the word "soarin'."

How I felt about him...

But, I wasn't going to fall for him. I barely even knew the guy. I couldn't just fall in love with someone I haven't even talked to.

I smiled to myself. This boy who I met at an airport, had so many weird memories, changed me completely. He made me so happy and calm. Made me feel different than Sierra or my family always made me feel. 

And that's when I completely regret it. Saying no. Not staying. Not even giving him a chance when I come back.

But there's was no turning back now...



hopefully i'll have time to update more soon... ive been busy with hw :/

anways... let me know what you think's gonna happen next! 

thx for the support, luvs!



(omf someone pls help me stop watching sierra's vid of her and chris... fuk.)

(btw if u didnt notice this chapter is also from the other chapter that's called soarin XD)


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