Chapter 4: Kisses

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Lacey Montez:

Sierra and I waited as the passengers came out slowly. I turned my phone back on while waiting as Sierra did the same. I saw Crawford and the boy a few people ahead of us, and I thought about our conversations on the plane.

"Who did you sit next to?" I immediately asked, wondering if Sierra was okay behind me. 

"Crawford," she sighed. "He was so adorable. We chatted up a bit. Then, I found out he has a girlfriend, so I just said I had one too. After that, I didn't really talk much." Sierra frowned then shrugged causing me to feel bad. The boy I met probably had a girlfriend too, not that it mattered...

"Oh, by the way," Sierra changed the topic, "his name is Christian."


"How'd you know?" I asked. 

"Crawford," she simply responded as if his name didn't mean anything to her anymore.

We finally exited the plane and entered Canada's airport. I was pretty excited to see our new home in person since we bought it online. I tied my hair back into a messy bun as Sierra started to walk outside. I turned around to try to unzip my backpack, and I saw Christian out of the corner of my eye. I looked up, and being the nosy person I am, I decided to watch where he was going. He was running up to a girl. She had blonde hair which curled at the tips. Her eyes were blue, and she was just the right height for him. She was in a floral dress with tights and a scarf. Her ankle boots perfectly matched the color of her skin. I looked down at my clothing and see how I'm dressed. Band shirt, jogging pants, Ugg boots, messy bun. I didn't even bother to put any makeup on which I regretted.

"Hey, Lacey," Sierra called. "Are you coming? We need to find a taxi."

Sierra came up to me and saw where I was looking. Christian was giving her kisses and so was Crawford with the other girl. I heard Sierra scoff and roll her eyes. "That was a huge waste of my time." She grabbed my arm and started to drag me outside. I caught Christian's green eyes catch my plain dark brown eyes, and he gave me a small smile. I turned back around quickly and picked up my pace.

Sierra was already calling for a taxi and soon Christian and Crawford came out with their girlfriends heading to the car. Christian watched me, and I took the chance to roll my eyes at him. What a fucking player. I actually felt bad for his girlfriend. 

A taxi came up to us minutes later, and Sierra climbed inside as I followed after her. Sierra told the man our address, and we drove all the way to our new home.

"You excited?" Sierra asked as we stopped at a red light. 

I nodded still thinking about Christian. He made me feel different from my other dating experiences. We probably weren't going to bump into each other anyway. It's not like he would like a girl like me.

About forty minutes later, we arrived at our complex. I paid the taxi driver and headed out. We went to the main office of our complex and picked up our keys.

"Wait, we have to vlog," Sierra giggled excitingly. I took my vlog camera and pressed the start button. 

"We're here guys! We finally landed, and we're here at the complex. We'll give you a tiny sneak peek, and when it's all done and decorated, we'll give you a full house tour." I filmed Sierra opening the door, and we went inside. The smell of paint greeted me as we came inside.

"This is the kitchen, and the dining room," Sierra spoke as I held the camera. "And this is the living room, and we'll be putting the TV here." Sierra pointed to an empty space meant for the TV. We ended up showing our porch, our shoe closet, my room, then Sierra's which also came with our own bathrooms. After showing the fans, Sierra and I sat on our empty hard floor.

"We'll be staying at one of friends house until all our stuff come," I informed. "We still need to change the carriers for our phones, too. We need more furniture. Unfortunately, we won't have wifi until a couple of days, so that sucks. But, we're really excited! Stay tuned!" I pressed the end button as Sierra went to her room. I followed her as she lay herself face upward to the ceiling. 

"I really liked him," Sierra sighed. Sierra's only known him for like five hours, and she was already sad. Sierra's one of those people who know what they wanted, and she wanted Crawford.

"Why don't we go to Calum's house now? I'll text him," I changed the topic. 

"I guess," she sighed as I stepped out of her room to give her privacy.

I go inside the car and turn on my wifi then I called Calum instead who I've been friends with ever since we were babies. He finally picked up after the third ring.


"Hey,Cal! It's Lacey."

"Hey, Lace! You here yet?" he asked.

"Yeah, we're at the apartment. Can you come now?" I gave him the address before he could answer.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." I heard him smile before ending the call.



If you noticed that I've been using names of 5sos members it's 'cause I'm too addicted to 5sos lmao XD

And I'll try to post longer chapters too lmao ;P



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