Chapter 10: Pizza Pickup

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Lacey Montez:

Something inside me clicked as I stepped in my car. For the first time in forever, I felt happy and satisfied with my confusing and miserable life. I smiled at myself, and for the first time, I didn't care about how I looked.

Is this what it felt like when you were in love?

Am I in love?

I put the key in the ignition and giggled. I knew it, and I felt it. 

I'm in love.

I've been in love before. Many times. I've had a boyfriend... Once. It was a stupid thing I did. Just a childhood sweetheart. But that's a story for a different time.

I heard the vibration of my phone on the cup holder. I set it on my lap, answered it, and put it on speaker. "Hello?" I answered and realized I didn't even check the caller ID.

"Hey, hey!" It was Cal.

"Sup, Calpal?" I giggled.

"Three things. One: don't ever call me that. Second: can you pick up our pizza order? Three: how do you have service?"

"Okay, I'll pick up the pizza. Oh, by the way, you're car has wifi in it so... Anyway, is Sierra there?"

"N-wait. Nevermind she just got here. Kristy answered the door for them right now. Anyway, I placed an order for the pizza place near my house. Just pick it up, kay? I placed it under your name."

"Ok," I smiled and ended the call.

Instead of turning right to Cal's house, I made a left to go to the pizza place. There were more cars than usual which is strange. I mean, of course a lot of people would be here for pizza, but there seems to be way too many people.

I step out of the car and suddenly here screaming voices. A very loud one in particular. "OH MY GOD. IS THAT LACEY?!" The screams got louder, and I chuckled. I love my fans, couldn't ask for anything more.

All of sudden, as I step into the pizza place, I'm bombed with fans and questions.

"Why haven't you been uploading your vlogs or main channel videos?"

"I can't believe I'm standing near Lacey Montez!"

"Can I have a picture?"

"Oh my gosh, please follow me on Twitter!"

But one hit me in particular... "Why is she hear with Weeklychris?"

Then, "Oh my gosh, two of my favorite YouTubers in one place. OH MY FUCK!"

"Do you think they're dating?"

I turned to the side and see Christian with fans. He looked over at me and started laughing. "You're a YouTuber?" he mouthed and lightly chuckled. I nodded as more fans came up to me.

"Hey, Lacey?" a girl with light blue hair that looked about 15, asked.

I smiled at her. "Yeah?"

"Are you dating Chris?"

"Chris?" I giggled as his name came out of my mouth. "No, we're not. I don't know much about him actually." I looked over at Chris who was with a girl, giving him a kiss on the cheek while one of her friends took the picture.

"That sucks," she sighed. "You guys would make the ultimate otp goals. Anyways, can I get a picture?"

I smiled wider than ever. Me and Chris? Chris and I?

I finally got the pictures over with, and the fans eventually started to leave.

Chris came up to me with the cutest smile on his face. "Hey, Lacey Montez. I learned a lot about you through the fans. They seem to know everything about you," he chuckled, emphasizing the word everything.

"So, Chris... What're you doing here?" I asked, picking up the pizza box under my name.

"Obviously picking up pizza," he chuckled and did the same. "I was planning to stay in my room and watch pizza..."

Invite him, Lacey. Invite him.

"Oh... That kinda sucks," I sighed. "I-I mean, not that you're alone now and stuff... Ugh, nevermind what I said."

He chuckled and opened the door for me on our way out. "You're so cute."

Wait. Did I here that right? The guy right in front of me called me cute?

"I-um should get going... It was nice seeing you, again after like five minutes only," I giggled. 

"You too," he smiled. "Call me soon?"

I just smiled. I couldn't promise him I would. He had me feeling all these weird emotions. I didn't want to talk to him... yet.

"Please?" he begged as I took my keys from my sweater pocket.

"Remember," I immediately remembered myself, "I'll think about it."

He put his free hand through his hair and then shrugged. "I guess... See you soon?"

I forced on a smile and nodded. I quickly got in the car and put the pizza on the passenger's seat then remembered that Chris's jacket was there. I immediately put the pizza box up and grabbed the jacket. I put it on my lap and face palmed.

"I am so stupid. I could've just invited him over and then we would've been friends. I could've just said that I'd call him, but no."

I put the key into the ignition and checked my phone. I had a few messages and missed calls from Cal and Sierra which made me speed up.

I finally got to Cal's house and knocked on the door. "Pizza delivery!" I giggled on the other side of the door, still knocking.

Sierra opened the door and looked at the pizza with her eyes wide. "It's about time!" she giggled and took the box out of my hands. C'mon the movie's about to start. Why'd you take so long?"

I smiled to myself. "Got stuck talking to, um, fans and stuff."

She turned around before entering the TV room and smirked. "You saw him, didn't you and you talked... huh."

"Sierra! Ssshhhh!" I giggled, and she smiled.

"Yes! Pretty soon, you'll be dating and-"

"Sierra," I sighed then smiled. "Don't go too far."

She rolled her eyes and smirked. She led me to the room and cuddled with Crawford while Cal with Kristy. 

Me? I silently ate pizza by myself, wondering what'd it be like to be with Chris at this very moment.



I'm sry. Ik, I am a very bad updater and I am really trying my best to update... If u r new, and read my previous chapters, I recently changed my username before I wrote this chapter.

I'm Sierra Marie. Nice to meet you. If you have any questions, go ahead and leave them for me in the comments...




My Not-So-Cliche Love Story**Chris Collins Fanfic**Where stories live. Discover now