Chapter 5: Crawford

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Lacey Montez:

I heard the beep of a car from the inside of my apartment. Calum's always been the lazy type of person. I get up from the ground and shut my phone off.

Calum was in his old, crappy car smiling like an idiot once I came outside. "Hurry up!" he chuckled. He honked the horn causing me to giggle. I hold up my hand, signaling him to wait then head back inside.

"Sierra! We're leaving!" I yelled and walked around the apartment. After awhile, I looked in her room. As I walked closer inside I heard small sobs.

I knocked on Sierra's door. "Sierra? You okay, hun?" I walked inside after awhile. I was starting to get worried. You never know what Sierra's capable of.

I tiptoed into her empty room and hear the sobs get louder. I headed towards the bathroom where the noise seemed to be coming from. "Hey, Sierra?" I asked and knocked softly on the bathroom door.

"Go away," she sobbed. Sierra never means any of this when she gets upset. Something must've happened. Something terrible.

"Sweetie, I just want to know what's going on. Can I come in?" I asked, gently. I heard her small sniffles stop and heard her footsteps coming to the bathroom door to unlock it.

Sierra was a mess. I wan't trying to be rude, but it was true. Her mascara was running. Her eyes were red. Her straight brown hair was now a tangled mess. 

"Oh my gosh. Sierra, what the hell happened?!" I asked, totally surprised with her look.

She sets her red eyes on me and walked liked a zombie outside into her room. "Is Calum here?" she asked and picked up her carry on.

"Yeah," I said quickly. "But, seriously. What's wrong with you?"

"Let's go," she whined and started to drag herself to the door.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong. I don't want to leave here knowing my best friend is hurt. It hurts to see you hurt. Now tell me," I sat her in front of me on the floor. "What's wrong?"

She shut her eyes and kept her mouth shut. "Sierra..." I warned.

She groaned and popped her red eyes open. "Crawford. There. You happy?" She stands up and heads back to the door.

"Listen, Sier-"

"No, you listen Lacey. I know you always want to be there for me and all that shit, but I got it okay? I'm old enough to deal with my own shit." She rolled her eyes before walking back to the door.

"No!" I yelled in annoyance which caused her to stop walking. "I don't care if you want me to be there with you or not. I'm always gonna be here whether you like it or not. Your smile always lights me up, and your laugh is something else. I always like seeing you happy. So, what about Crawford? He's making a huge fucking mistake. He doesn't realize he just passed by the best person in the world! You're beautiful Sierra, and someone will come and realize it. They'll sweep you off your feet. Crawford? No. He isn't worth it." I started to pant on my rant. There were tears starting to form in my eyes which always happened when Sierra and I got in a small argument.

Sierra shut her eyes closed them tightly as tears started to fall. "Lacey... I'm so sorry." She came up to me and put her head on my shoulder. I felt tears come down my face and start to hug her tighter.

Sierra and I were sobbing so loudly that we didn't even realize that Calum came inside. 

"That was nice ladies," Calum chuckled and clapped his hands slowly. "Are you guys on your period?"

Sierra and I let go and looked at Calum. "No," we both giggled.

"How'd you get in?" I asked and wiped the tears off my face.

"The door was unlocked," he said simply. "Can we hurry? I'm throwing a party at my place tonight. You know, take out some booze. I honestly could use the drugs right now. Now, hurry up so we could get ready for my party!"



Sry for this cheesy friendship chapter... I just wanted to show how much Sierra loved Crawf XD

The next chapter will be more eventful!



My Not-So-Cliche Love Story**Chris Collins Fanfic**Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang