Chapter 11: Seeing Him

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Lacey Montez:

I stuff my last shirt into my bag and start to fix the mess I made in Cal's guest room. I hear Sierra and Crawford in the room beside me exchanging 'I love you's.

I guess Sierra asked Crawford to stay over, and he agreed. I decide to ruin their moment and go over next door.

I barge in the room and see Sierra and Crawford cuddled perfectly together, watching TV. "Are you going to start packing or not?" I giggled as I look around her untidy room.

"I will," she smiled, not taking her eyes off Crawford.

"Hello?" I leaned on the door frame. "Earth to Sierra... We're leaving tonight."

She turned to me and sighed. "But that's tonight," she whined like a baby. 

"Here I'll help you," Crawford chuckled and lightly pecked Sierra on the lips. He helped her up and started to fix the bed while Sierra gathered her clumped clothes on the floor.

I head my way back into my room until Crawford appeared in my door way. "Wanna come and have brunch with us?"

I put my dufful bag on the floor, not looking at him. "Don't wanna third wheel," I sighed and collapsed on my bed. "And whatever happened to helping Sierra clean?"

"Please?" he whined just like Sierra did only a few moments before. "Sierra wants you to come."

I sit up and narrow my eyes at him. "Fine," I groaned and fell back on my bed.


We finally made it to this diner that I've never heard of before. Sierra and Crawford head inside hand in hand laughing at something Sierra said.

"How many people?" a girl in her mid-20s asked. 

"Four," Sierra smiled and looked at Crawford.

I knitted my eyebrows together once both their eyes locked with mine. "What?" I muttered quietly to myself after the girl told us there would be a ten minute wait. I was so confused. "Sierra-"

She quickly cut me off and put a finger over my lips as Crawford chuckled. "Lacey, I'm not stupid. I can count." She smirked at Crawford as he lightly gave her a small kiss.

I rolled my eyes at both of them and sat down in the waiting area. I then heard the sound of the diner's door swing open with the jingle of the bells as well. "Hey Crawf," I heard an all too familiar voice call out. I snap my head up and see him. Realization hit me that I'm seeing him... again.

"Lacey?" he cocked his head to the side.

I copied his face until Sierra comes between us. "Okay... Stop staring at each other. Can we eat? Our table is ready." She looked at me and smirked while I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Not. Cool," I mouthed as she grabbed my wrist and brought me to the table.

Crawford and Sierra wanted to sit together leaving me and Chris on the other side of the booth. I shift in my seat uncomfortably and silently thank the loud noise going on in the diner to block out conversation. But of course, nothing would stop him from leaning closer to me and talking.

"So we meet again, Ms. Montez," he lightly chuckled with his lip piercing shining in the bright lights that were dangling in the middle of each table. 

He knows my last name. Did he check my YouTube account?

I gave him a lopsided grin and take out my phone. Sierra reaches over and grabs it from me. I gave her a death glare while she gives me another smirk.

"So..." I looked at Chris and smiled.

"So..." he copied me back and chuckled.

I raised one eyebrow. "Is that a habit of yours?" I asked.

"What is?" he raised his eyebrows too and then lightly chuckled.


"Me raising my eyebrows?" he lightly chuckled.

"No, that!"I giggled.

"Ohhhh..." he chuckled again, and I face palmed.

He shrugged. "I can laugh easily as well as chuckling. I don't know. I guess it is a habit of mine. But, how about you? You always giggle in your videos."

Crap. He's seen my channel. Crap, crap, crap.

"Your vlog channel too," he smirked.

I simply rolled my eyes at him until our waitress asked for our orders.


About halfway through our meal, I've gotten to know Chris more and even met a few fans that passed by our table to say hi or get a picture. He had two sisters, Crawford, and his parents. He played music and sang too. His YouTube channel was WeeklyChris, but everyone thinks his name is Weekly. He got his lip pierced in 2015 and even showed me a video. We talked more, exchanging answers and questions.

I took a bite of my pancake and saw it. Them. I put my fork down and lightly wiped my mouth with my napkin. I wanted to cry, just let it all out, but I couldn't. Especially not in front of my "new" friends and Sierra. 

"Hey, Lacey? You okay?" Chris asked and rubbed my back.

I totally lost it from there. Tears came out of my eyes and then light sobs after.

I couldn't deal with all this bullshit anymore...


wassup :)

sry ive been really busy with a lot of bs from school...


maybe two more votes to at least have three to continue? lmao ( desperate much? )

anyway thx for reading my book luvs

COMMENT DOWN BELOW! (maybe I'll accept three comments and then update again lol)



My Not-So-Cliche Love Story**Chris Collins Fanfic**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora