Chapter 18: Collabs

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Lacey Montez:

It was one in the morning, and I just finished editing my vlog. I shut down my laptop and stood up from the couch.

I offered to sleep on the couch since I didn't have my room. It wasn't as comfortable as I thought it was going to be, but I was here for my mum. Not the couch.

I went over to the kitchen and got out some cookies. I stood there thinking about when Chris called me earlier that day... but it really didn't matter anymore. It's not like I should care.

I think my feelings are starting for him are starting to fade away...

"Lace, is that you?" Aspyn whispers, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah it's me," I respond to Aspyn.

She comes over and grabs the cookie I'm about to eat. "Do you need something?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together.

"Can I come with you tomorrow?" she gave me puppy dog eyes and even brought down her lower lip.

"Of course," I giggled. "I'm actually excited to see them. Meg and Alex are so cute together. And I think Mikey has a girlfriend now."

"You said the thing about Mikey having a girlfriend all sad," Aspyn smirked. "You like him don't you."

I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "Do not. I-I like someone else," I mutter. "Well, at least I think I do..."

"You're lying. Not unless you're talking about that Chris guy I saw in your vlog. Plus I saw your screen when he called you."

"You watch my vlogs?" I asked, changing the subject about Chris calling me.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

I smiled at her and put the pack of cookies away. "I think I like Chris. I mean I did like him then stuff happened, and I'm not so sure now."

"You guys are so cute though!" she squealed.

"Shut up."

"What about Mikey?"

"What about him?" I laughed. "I don't like him."

"Are you sure?" she looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"I'm sure," I giggled. I grabbed a bag of chips in the pantry and ran upstairs.

"Where are you going?" she calls out, chasing after me.

"Let's watch a movie in your room!"

"Wait for me!" she quietly laughed and followed me up the stairs.


I woke up with Aspyn by my side. The bag of chips were in front of us, and the TV was turned off. I make my way downstairs and get my phone that was lying on the couch.

I have 57 messages from our group chat. They were all talking about video ideas we were going to do. It was around 8, and I decided that I should get ready.

I go into Aspyn's room and wake her up. "Get ready." I shove her and then make my way over to her bathroom.

After showering, I check my phone to see that Mikey texted me.

Mikey: want me to pick you up to go to Meg's?

Lacey: sure :) mind if Aspyn comes along?

Mikey: yeah that's np... im bringing luke anyway XD

Lacey: k see yah :)

Aspyn and I finally finished getting ready just as Mikey calls me.

My Not-So-Cliche Love Story**Chris Collins Fanfic**Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang