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Lacey Collins:


"Mom!" my little boy screeched as he barged into the room and onto the bed.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What is it, Tristan?"

"It's Christina's and Clarisa's birthday today! They're turning one! Mom, hurry up we have to get ready before the guests come!" he hollered and jumped out of the room.

I turned to my left and saw Chris peacefully snoring. I pushed him. "Hmm?" he grumbled.

"It's your daughters' birthday. Wake up and calm Tristan down," I giggled as he sat up with me. "We have to set everything up. Family's coming at lunch time," I informed him and got up to get the birthday girls.

I went over to the girls' room and saw them both sleeping. "Aw," I cooed and held both of them, one in each arm.

"Mommy, do you need help?" Tristan asked as he came in the room.

I smiled at him. "Yes, I do. Why don't you wake up your dad, and then tell him to call Aunt Sierra to bring Lauren."

"Okay!" he beamed and went over to my room.

I looked down at my babies and giggled just as their eyes popped open. "Good morning my princesses. Let's get you ready before everyone comes, okay?"

Christina opened her mouth, trying to smile just as Clarisa screamed happily into me.

After I got them ready into their dresses, I brought them downstairs and saw Chris, Crawf, and Sierra setting up. "Hey, hey, hey!" Sierra sang once she saw me. She took Christina out of my hand while Crawford took Clarisa.

"Happy birthday, girls," the couple cooed and gave them kisses.

"Can you guys give me a hand?" Chris chuckled.

"Coming," I laughed and helped him tie more balloons. "Where's Lauren?" I asked once I tied on the last balloon.

"Upstairs with Tristan in his room," Crawford replied, playing with Clarisa.

I went upstairs to go change and then over to the kids. "Hey, guys."

"Hey, mum."

"Hi, Aunt Lacey!" Lauren giggled and came to give me a hug. "Look," she added and showed me her teeth. There was one missing, and I could see the other one growing in.

"Wow," I blurted. "You're getting big. I think Tristan's is still loose."

He nodded quickly and brought Lauren back to play with his toys.

The doorbell rang and the faint sound of talking filled the house.

"Guys, come and help us downstairs. I think some people are here."

They scurried down the stairs as I slowly followed behind them.

"There's the birthday mum!" Aspyn exclaimed once I was downstairs. "How are you?" She came in for a hug just as Parker and her daughter, Marian, came in for a hug also.

"I'm doing great. How's the new house in Cali?"

Marian tugged at my dress. "I have a new room, and it's for big girls!" she giggled.

"That's great!" I looked over back at Aspyn who was fixing her other daughter's hair. "Is Michael coming?"

"He said he's coming with Tori later. Mum texted me and said she's on her way."

"When are you all going back to California?" I asked.

"I'm going back with my family in a week. Mum's going back with Michael and Tori which will be in a few days."

I nodded.

Chris's family started to come in, and I excused myself from Aspyn. "Hey, Kirsten!" I smiled as she came and gave me a card. 

"Half for Christina, and half for Clarisa." She winked and gave me a hug. "Have you seen my brothers?"

"They should be in the kitchen helping, but knowing them, they're probably messing around in the backyard."

"Lacey!" I heard a familiar voice as Kirsten went out to the back. It was Karisma, their other sister, with  their mum.

"Hey guys. Thanks for coming," I said into the hug. They handed me gifts and I went over to put them away.

More and more family and friends were showing up, and soon, most people were inside the house.

I grabbed Christina and Clarisa to put them in each of their highchairs then gathered everyone around to sing happy birthday.

"Happy birthday to you!" everyone sang as me, Chris, and Tristan helped them blow their candles. Everyone cheered and took pictures as our girls started to play with their pieces of cake.

After everyone settled down and started talking in groups, Sierra pulled me over and grabbed my hand. 

"Hey," she whispered shyly.

I looked at her confused. "Something wrong?"

She shook her head no, but took both of my hands and placed them on her stomach. "Guess who's pregnant again?"

"Oh my gosh!" I screamed and jumped up and down.

"Shh," she giggled. "Not too loud. I haven't told Crawford yet."

I looked at her. "Why not?"

"I'll eventually tell him," she stated. "Just not yet. It's a surprise," she giggled.

"Mum!" Tristan and Lauren called out at the same time. Sierra and I looked at each other and sighed. 

"A mother's job is never done," I sighed again and bumped my hip with Sierra.

She chuckled. "No kidding. Now let's go see what they're up to."

She linked her arm with mine as we both laughed, something we used to do while we were growing up together.

My Not-So-Cliche Love Story**Chris Collins Fanfic**Where stories live. Discover now