Chapter 21: Decisions

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Lacey Montez:

I stood there full of confusion. This is either going to end in three ways.

1.) Chris

 2.) Kian

3.) Alone and depressed

It's not like it's gonna be easy to choose. What am I supposed to choose? Go back? Move on? Be lonely? It's not like I'm desperate for someone...

Maybe I am.

But that wasn't my problem. My problem was two guys in front of me looking clueless.

I looked at Kian who seemed heartbroken and shocked. I bite my bottom lip nervously, wondering what he was about to do. "K-Kian?"

"Is that what you are? A slut?" he suddenly asked as he threw the flowers down as well as the tickets. "I actually fell for you. I thought we had something." He storms towards me, but Chris comes in front of him.

"Woah there... Slow down," he chuckled.

Seriously? How does he manage to chuckle at everything?

Kian looked at him while Chris smiled. "I think she just wanted to be friends with you. She's the type of girl who doesn't know exactly what she wants until her conscious approves. So if I were you, I'd slow down on the whole 'I fell for you' stuff."

I smiled to myself. He really knows me. 

Chris leans to his hear and chuckles again. "Plus, she's about to be taken by me."

I didn't hear that, right?

Kian rolls his eyes and pushes Chris. "Bitch," Kian muttered and stormed off. Chris stood there with eyes wide until I went in front of him.

"What were you thinking?!"

"Woah... I come to see my best friend as a surprise, and the first thing I get is this?" He was still smiling which was my total weakness besides his ability to chuckle at everything.

"Just stop, Chris. I was about to go on a date, and you literally just ruined everything," I sighed and picked up the flowers and movie tickets that Kian dropped.

"I actually just saved your life," he chuckled. "I know you don't like all of that cliche shit, and you would've taken time before you actually set up a date."

I squint my eyes at him. "And how do you know that?"

"'Cause we're best friends. And the fact that you rejected me because you weren't ready. I know you don't like being a cliche. Trust me, I don't either but you're making me be one." I was closer now, face to face with me.

I rubbed my temples with my free hand, closing my eyes and trying to ignore the fact that he was right in front of me with his perfect smile and cute green eyes. "Why are you here again?" I asked before my mind got lost.

"To surprise you! I bought Disneyland tickets, and I was hoping we could go tomorrow." He gave me a lopsided grin while rocking on his heels, nervously.

"I don't know Chris..."

"It's not a date!" he yelled in exhaustion. "Just come with me. This would all just be a waste of money."

I roll my eyes at him. "You're lucky I like Disneyland." I go into the house and shut the front door. The door bell rang right after, and I opened it to see Chris standing there.

"What now?" I sighed.

"I kinda don't have a place to stay..."


It was 10 at night and I was watching TV on the couch... with Chris. My mum insisted that he stayed until he wanted to go back home. She later on asked me what happened to Kian which, of course, I told her the story.

Chris and I were sitting next to each other since there was only one blanket. It was uncomfortable, but I started to miss his hugs. Everyone was upstairs in their rooms, leaving me and Chris alone.

Later on, we seemed closer and soon my head was on his shoulder.

"Sleepy?" he whispered as a commercial came on.

I pretended to yawn. "Kinda," I whispered back. He put his arm over me which made me stiff for a second. But this is what friends do, right? I calmed down and fixed the blanket.

"I miss this," I sighed.

He chuckled. "You miss what? Can I record you saying that?"

"Shut up," I giggled. "I really missed you."

"In what kind of way?" He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"In like a friendship kinda way... maybe even more."

Woah. What was I saying?

I looked up at him, hoping he didn't hear me. He was staring at the screen and I could tell he was trying to hold in his smile.

Maybe he didn't hear me.

He held me closer making me feel all happy inside. Maybe I didn't need Kian. Maybe going back was good. Maybe Chris is good. Probably my one and only.

But he doesn't know it... yet.



ive been having a good day so i decided to update

sry for the boring chapter





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