Chapter 29: Whispers

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Lacey Montez:

Funerals scare the fuck out of me. I like the color. Black. It expresses how I've felt for the last two weeks. I haven't heard or spoke to Chris for two weeks. I was feeling better... 

Actually, who am I kidding? I haven't left the apartment at all. Today was going to be the first time I got out of the apartment since the last time I saw Kristy at the hospital.

Unfortunately, she didn't make it. She had this disease that was apparently too hard to handle. She started to get really sick last week, and just a few days ago, she passed.

Today was the funeral, and I couldn't help but feel bad for Calum the whole time I changed.

"Ready, Lace?" Sierra whispered softly as she came in my room. 

I nodded back and grabbed my black purse. I wore the only nice black dress in my closet which was laced at the top, and I didn't even bother to put any makeup on since there was a chance of me crying.

 I wore the only nice black dress in my closet which was laced at the top, and I didn't even bother to put any makeup on since there was a chance of me crying

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Sierra wore a floral black dress with sleeves that went a bit more of  half way of her arms. She added knee high socks too and some boots. She grabbed her purse before we left and called a taxi.

 She grabbed her purse before we left and called a taxi

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When we arrived at the church, Calum was the first one to greet us outside. His face was puffy as well as eyes red eyes. He led us inside and the first thing I see is her casket up in the front. I looked at Sierra who couldn't control her tears.

She walked by herself up to the casket, excusing herself when she went through friends and family. I saw her reach to grab her hand. I heard her light sobs and soon tears were streaming down my face too. I hated funerals.

I covered my mouth with my free hand as Calum came in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you came," he sobbed into my shoulder. "I don't know what I would've done without you two."

All I could do was hug him. This was probably worse for him. Kristy was so sweet and innocent. She didn't deserve this.

"Come here," Calum whispered and grabbed my hand lightly after we pulled apart. His face looked sad, tears stained on his cheeks.

I quickly wiped my tears and followed him where he lead me to the back. It was foggy outside, perfect for this day we're having. I spotted a family out in the cemetery which was not far from the back of the church. They were all crying as the coffin slowly made its way down. Calum noticed it too since he started crying again.

"It's okay," I whispered. "Everything's going to be okay." I hugged him closer to me. "I know what it feels like to lose a loved one," I stated once we pulled apart.

"I heard about you and Chris," he whispered. "Sierra told me, and people are always talking about it in social media. There's so many pictures," he chuckled.

I began to nod but then quickly shook my head. "We're not together anymore. He probably has feelings for someone else now. We broke up because of his management... I'd rather not talk about it." This time, I begin to cry, holding him tight into another hug.

He pulled apart quickly and held our hands together. "Lacey?" He stared at me with those dark brown eyes which was always something I liked about him: his eyes and the way they shined even when it wasn't sunny out.

"Yeah?" I looked back at him.

"I-I... Lacey, I think I like you," he whispered so softly that I almost didn't hear him.

Was this right?

What's supposed to happen now?

His girlfriend just died, and he's saying he likes me?

"C-Cal," I whispered back, remembering the dreams I had in the past. So it was most probably true. I developed feelings for him when I felt lonely. And right now, he was lonely and in desperate need for someone to love. I understood it. 

"You don't have to say anything," he said back. He looked a bit hurt, like he was expecting me to kiss him or something.

"I don't think I have to," I quickly answered back and stood on my tip toes. And believe it or not, I actually kissed my best friend. It wasn't a dream this time, it was real.

I've never felt this happy since... since Chris.

"Lacey?" A voice came from behind, shocking both me and Calum, making us pull apart.

Oh shit.


here's a chap thats usually shorter than my other ones.

btw i planned my chaps a long time ago so i already know whats going to happen and stuff so dont worry about it ;P

i was supposed to post this chap before but i got distracted so im sry...

anyways thx for the support ily



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