Chapter 14: Park Dates

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Lacey Montez:

I scrolled down on my laptop, trying to find the nearest flight to LA.

"Do you have to go?" Sierra asked with Crawford by her side, both sitting on my bed.

"How about Chris?" Crawford asked, not even looking up at me and quietly playing with Sierra's hand.

I sighed. "It's not like he actually has a crush on me. He just thinks I'm interesting and wants to know me more."

"You're seriously so clueless sometimes," Sierra muttered under her breath.

I ignored her comment and continued to scroll. 

"Found one," I sighed and clicked on it. "But... it's in two days."

"If you really wanna go back, you should get the tickets. It's better than not going at all." Sierra looked at me, sympathetically.

"Thanks, Sierra." I smiled at her. "Are you going to be okay... alone?"

"I have Crawford, silly. Plus, you know we're gonna be texting 24/7," she chuckled.

"True," I stretched my legs and put my laptop aside. "I don't know when I'm coming back though. It might be awhile before I'm ready."

"Take as much time as you need," Sierra came over and hugged me. "We're here for you."

"You have to tell Chris though," Sierra quickly said as we parted. "Please? PRETTY, PRETTY, PRETTY PLEA-"

"Okay!" I giggled. "I'll tell him."


"Fine. But, we're leaving to the apartment in like two hours, so we should all go out for dinner."

"Or...," Sierra smirked. "You guys could go out and take a walk at the park."

"Sierra, I'm not doing that."

"Sorry, Lace. But I may or may not have told him you would go tonight."

"Seriously Sierra?! I don't know what I'll wear or what I'm going to say... Oh my gosh, I can't do this."

"Chill, Lace. Just calm down. We'll help you."


"Thanks Cal and Kristy for everything." I hugged both of them. "You guys are seriously the best."

"Thanks for staying," Kristy smiled. "Come back anytime!"

Cal came over and gave me a hug. Ever since my dream, I've been avoiding Cal, but it's hard to now. 

"B-bye Cal," I say hesitantly and gave him an awkward hug. He engulfs me into a big hug. Luckily, Sierra comes and gives him a hug.

"Call us when you guys get your wifi tomorrow!" Kristy calls out as we put our last carry on into the taxi.

"We will! Bye!" Sierra and I say back in unison and settle into the car. Sierra gives the driver our address, and we start to drive. I look back at Cal who had his arms wrapped around Kristy. He doesn't like me. My dream was just a stupid thing. It'll never happen again.

We finally get to the house after about more than half an hour. Sierra pays the guy who helps us get out our carry on items.

"The moving truck should be here by tomorrow morning. I guess we'll be sleeping on the floor together tonight," Sierra informed after the taxi guy left.

"I thought the truck was coming today," I mumbled as I took out the keys to our new place. 

"Apparently, something happened, so they'll be coming tomorrow morning around nine. So tomorrow we'll set up our wifi, unpack, and we can change our carrier tomorrow on our phones. Plus, you could start vlogging again and start uploading now. People on my social media keep asking about you."

My Not-So-Cliche Love Story**Chris Collins Fanfic**Where stories live. Discover now