Chapter 3: Soarin'

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Lacey Montez:

I sat there after a couple of minutes when Sierra left, still looking through my social media. Just as the flight attendant announced our flight was about to start, Sierra came jogging up to me with a cup of coffee in one hand. 

"That for me?" I asked. She nodded, and I threw away my Starbucks in a nearby trashcan then grabbed the cup from her hand. We slipped on our backpacks and headed in line to board the plane.

"Pssst," Sierra muttered. "See that guy, like, two families behind us?"

I turned around, trying to not make it so obvious I was looking. I saw two boys laughing about something, and I turned back to Sierra. "Which guy?"

"That must be his brother," Sierra wondered out loud.

"Sierra, what the fuck are you talking about?" I asked, annoyed. I hated when she took forever to tell me what she was hiding. It was really hard to hide my annoyance.

"Okay. So the guy with the snapback talked to me while I was at the cafe. We talked for awhile, and I think he's super cute," Sierra whispered. "I was vlogging at the cafe, and he asked me if he could be in it. Of course, I said yes. Then, we started talking about Canada, and I asked for his name."

I smirked as I nudged Sierra. Sierra's never had a boyfriend in her life. She's had a lot of major crushes, but they never end up liking her back. 

Sierra giggled and rolled her eyes playfully. "Shut up," she blushed.

"He's totally into you," I giggled and turned back around. "What's his name?"

"Crawford," Sierra turned more red at just the mention of his name. This was a total major crush. I looked at the guy next to him who was smiling down at his phone. His smile made me have butterflies in my stomach. He looked back at his brother who was fiddling with his fingers. He had a nice green color in his eyes that went with his light brown hair. But, I wasn't going to fall for him. I barely even knew the guy. I couldn't just fall in love with someone I haven't even talked to.

"Ummm... Lacey?" Sierra interrupted my thoughts as she waved a hand in front of my face. I looked at her and we were already next in line. "The tickets?" Sierra motioned to the paper in my hand.

"Oh right," I quickly responded and handed the paper to the lady. The lady simply just smiled and motioned for us to head in the plane. 

"Looks like someone has googly eyes over Crawford's brother," Sierra sang. I shoved her playfully.

"I do not," I said, firmly. 

"Whatever you say," Sierra giggled and went to find our seats in the plane.

My seat was the row behind of Sierra next to the window which was my favorite seat. There were two other seats next to me which weren't filled yet. I waited a couple of minutes and decided to take my vlog camera out.

"Hey guys! Sierra and I are now currently on the plane, and we're both so excited! So, just keep watching and-"

"Is this seat number 17?" someone, a boy, asked. I looked up and it was him. His eyes sparkled in the lighting of the plane, and his light brown hair was swooped up in one direction. I shut my eyes hoping this was all just a dream, but it only made things worse.

"Hey," he chuckled slightly. "You okay?"

I opened my eyes slowly, and he was already sitting next to me. I turned red from embarrassment and looked out the window. "Y-yeah," I breathed out still facing the window. God, I was so nervous. Why am I anyway? He's just a guy who doesn't know who I am. I just need to stay calm and not say a word.

But, he was making it impossible by shooting questions at me every time he got the chance. We ended up having a normal conversation which calmed me down a bit. My stomach was filled with butterflies with every word he spoke. The plane was about to depart soon, and the empty space next to the boy was filled with an old lady. 

I get a text from Sierra seconds before the plane started to run the engine.

r u sitting next to your soul mate? It said. I simply rolled my eyes and shut down my phone knowing that I wasn't allowed to keep my phone on when we were departing.

I guess the boy next to me saw my eye roll because he looked curious. "Someone messing with you?" he questioned. I shook my head 'no', not wanting to cause any conversation.

The plane soon flew through the sky as I looked outside the window. It was so beautiful. The clouds looked fluffy and the sky was nice and blue. 

"Is this your first time soarin'?" the boy asked.

I turned to face him and giggled. "Soarin'?" 

"What?" he chuckled back. His smile was wide and bright which made things worse for my stomach. I felt like I was in a race, trying to win. My stomach kept hurting, and it was really hard to focus on him. 

"No this isn't my first time soarin'," I giggled once again while emphasizing the word "soarin'."

He chuckled again and continued to ask questions. 


We went on like this for three and a half hours until our plane was about to land. The little old lady next to the boy was slightly snoring which made me giggle.

"This was fun," the boy chuckled as the plane started going down. He chuckled every now and then which made my head spin and my heart flutter. 

Minutes later the plane landed roughly, making me jolt forward. "You okay?" he asked as we both settled back comfortably. I nod as the old lady woke up. 

Once the plane fully landed, we waited until the old lady got out first.

"You two make a very lovely couple," she smiled and my heart stopped for a milli-second at the thought of him being my boyfriend. Before I could say anything else, she left and I couldn't find her anywhere. The boy looked back at me and winked.

"So, I guess this is goodbye," the boy said and shook my hand. He caught up to his brother and Sierra pulled my sleeve, smirking.

"Fuck off," I said, a bit annoyed. Even though in the back of my head, I knew I had developed feelings for him, this stranger I didn't even know.


OK! Chapter 3 is done! LYGuys!!!



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