Chapter Two

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for the rest of the week i had spent my school days trying very hard to avoid the platinum haired boy that made my breath hitch but it was unbelievably hard. although he wasn't in my home room we had five periods together, and in each i had managed to either be one to three rows away from him.

that wasn't fate, it was bad luck.

even though he didn't do anything at all or acknowledge my presence, just being near him made my skin flustered. like every school year i'd have a crush on a boy and never do anything about it, this year he was the one.

it was tuesday now, and after one week and one day of being a senior, i still hadn't gotten mature. then again what did i expect, you can't grow in one week. unless i got away with a super growth spurt or something. didn't matter, i still looked like a poisonous frog anyway. (that was a comment that was made about me in my sophomore year).

today i had managed to find a pair of dark blue skinny jeans but i had destroyed any chances of looking decent with an oversized grey hoodie and white tennis shoes.

my feet weren't made for this world.

i walked through the hallway clutching my school bag as usual as i moved in a calculated pace, watching out for anybody that i could bounce into. on my way to my locker, i stopped in the middle of the hallway when i noticed that a group of people were standing in front of it, talking and laughing loudly.

it had also occurred to me that the platinum haired boy and his sister had been standing among the group but only his sister was talking. he on the other had had been simply using his thumb to mess with his bottom lip while staring at the person that was seemingly telling the joke. a tall dark toned boy with high curly hair that i had seen around the school a few times.

my breath hitched as i looked at his attire which was a black pair of pants, a black t-shirt with a dog's skull on it and a white and black flannel top. he looked breathtaking. when i noticed that he was in the process of turning his head i spun around towards the door while breathing heavily. i felt light headed just staring at him. i thought about ditching my books and making up lousy excuses for not having them but honestly i couldn't.

i had history class.

i groaned at the realization and let out three heavy breaths then i spun around again and made my way to the locker with my head down. the laughing and talking got louder as i approached them but the volume soon diminished when they acknowledged my presence.

"excuse me" i muttered under my breath and the darkly toned boy stepped out of my path to my locker but also made it his business to stare at me. they all did, just to try and make me uncomfortable, just to tick me off. i thought my path was clear but when i looked up the platinum haired boy had still been standing directly in front of my locker.

he didn't stare at me like the others. instead he kept his eyes planted on his sister's ones that glanced from me to him. as if there was some type of inside joke, she smiled smugly whilst chewing her gum. "need help?" she asked and i decided not to decipher if she was trying to be nice or just blatantly taunting me.

her brother rolled his eyes with a chuckle but still avoided eye contact with me. "yeah. my uh...i need to get to my locker" i said awkwardly and a brunette girl that had been a part of the group hid her face in another boy's back while giggling.

"okay" she said clearly amused as she glanced at her brother again who slightly shook his head. "well. are you going to your locker or what?" her brother asked sounding a bit annoyed and i frowned as i looked at him. it still seemed puzzling how i was able to be annoyed at him as i listened to the molten honey golden voice that belonged to him. you're obstructing me" i muttered and he raised his eyebrows but still wouldn't meet my gaze.

he kept his eyes fixed on his sister who shrugged her eyebrows with a smug smile but continued to chew wildly. "i'm obstructing you?" he repeated deadpanned and my frown deepened.

"you are".

" well was i just suppose magically to know or were you going to make me aware?" he asked with his arms on his chest and i grew irritated at the lack of eye contact, perturbed even." well it's not my fault you're too much of a jerk to look at me" i said a little too loud and my breath hitched when i noticed that i had voiced my thought.

he let out a deep breath then while rolling his eyes then snapped his head to me abruptly looking at me and i cringed as i tried to look away from his mesmerizing blue eyes.

mentally i face-palmed at me own dilemma.

"since i'm a jerk i think it's very fair for me to point out that i'm saving you from being a blubbering mess every time i look at you." he pointed out and i looked up at him while blushing madly." no t-that's a lie. i don't do that-" "oh would you look at the time" the dark haired boy tried to cut in but platinum haired boy's sister ignored him as she continued the ambush.

"you actually do. and you blush like a tomato and get all lovey dovey-" "that's disgusting" her brother commented with a scoff and i gaped at them speechlessly as my eyes stung. "and you look at him like he's your romeo and you'd wish that he would be eating your face" she continued and her brother scowled.

" seriously stop. you're going to make me puke. that's enough nightmares for the day" he said again and i think he noticed that every time he shot one of his sister's remarks down he was embarrassing and destroying me.

i stammered for words but my mind was overwhelmed with processing the gleeful looks on their faces as they taunted me and also with trying to focus on suppressing any sob that might escape.

overtime i had not realized that tears had been trickling down my face until his sister began to coo obnoxiously "aw. you should stop. you're hurting her poor fantasies. that's not very nice".

tears seeped through the corners of my lips and stained my mouth with an awful taste of failure.

her brother rolled his eyes but stilled a bit when he noticed my tear drenched face then furrowed his eyebrows. i didn't give any of them a chance to comment at my sign of weakness as i chewed on the insides of my cheeks to tame my trembling lips then i pushed past them to my homeroom and pulled over my hoody leaving snickers, giggles and rude comments behind me.

i could already feel a crack crawling down my heart.

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