Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Why were you running?"he asked in a low murmur as he shifted his weight on one leg as he stood in front of the doorway. His lean physique looked even paler with the unfinished art adorning it ; but there was a haze to it that made it look so foreign - out of this world. I tried to slow down my racing heart as my eyes flickered to his crystal blue ones. "I..." I tried to breath but I couldn't; even if I wanted to I wouldn't know what to say. "Oakley. You saw something?" he persisted as he walked towards me and my skin grew warm with each step he took. Faintly I could hear the same word veins repeated in my head over and over again. Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate. "Oakley?" he asked as he looked down at me then he zipped away the top of the costume from me head; stopping it below my collar bones. He tensed as his eyes met mine then he released the fabric from between his fingers- Now it was his turn to freeze. "Lucky...I... it's okay. I got scared. I'll leave-" "You're staying"he said as he tilted his head to the side, eyeing my hallow collar bones with a peculiar look. "I can't stay in here" I mumbled as I tried to take a step back towards the door but he held me firmly by looping his arm around my waist.

"You have to stay Oakley. You can't go back out there." I furrowed my eyebrows at him as I tried to fathom his sudden need for my presence but then I remembered that I haven't even spent ten minutes with Jason before I ran off. As I thought this his jaw clenched as he loosened his arm. "Lucky I have to go. I'm sorry I ran in here"I muttered as I moved from within his grasp and towards the door. As soon as I wrapped my hand around the knob he persisted again in something similar to a growl. "You don't have to go. Jason doesn't need you Oakley and you definitely don't need him. You can't except to run around scared in a house full of teenagers and adolescents like a god-forsaken preschooler without expecting that someone will realize how vulnerable you are. You can't go out there and you're not going out there" he practically yelled and I shuddered against the door frame and I fought against the stupid burning in my eyes.

"I will not let you go out there just to get either raped, molested and killed on the behalf of some dimwit that doesn't know anything about you-" "And you do Lucky? How are you sure that I don't need him and vice versa? And maybe I do , maybe he doesn't swim in the gossip about my life that my mother feeds you and Pyper okay? But for once somebody cares about me so tell me why the hell should I stay in this room with someone who would prefer me not existing than spending time with someone who genuinely is attracted to me!" I screamed back cutting him off when the tears began to hurdle down and he shuffled closer to me. "Because you don't want him. You want me. You need me" he said firmly but ended on a softer note as he wrapped his arms around me. "Why would I need you?" I choked on my own lie as I tried to suppress a sob that had been fighting it's way up my throat. It was all in vain.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you Oakley. Forgive me" he muttered as he tightened his arms around me and pecked me on my forehead. 'I don't understand you. You always make me cry and you always act like you don't care. And everytime I'm with Jason you get jealous yet you don't want or need me' I found myself thinking in anger as I buried my face into his painted neck whilst tightening my arms around him. "I don't understand myself either " I heard his voice like a whisper inside my mind but I paid it no mind. "Can you at least tell me why you were running?" he asked and I sniffled in his sent that somehow smelt too familiar. "I was scared" I said below my breath as I melted into his arms and he snorted quietly "Afraid of the costumes?". I shook my head against him and as I was about to confess my fear for the people outside that made my skin turn to ice , the door opened.

"Lucky I got more paint....what the hell?" I heard a familiar high pitched scream tear through the room along with the music floating in from outside and I shuddered as Lucky's arms tensed around me. Happiness is short lived. "Emma stop screaming" he huffed in annoyance as he moved his hands from around me but kept his palm on the small of my back. "Look! She ruined the whole thing! She ruins everything! Now we won't have matching costumes! Why the hell is she even in here!-" "I don't want to freaking match with you!" He yelled above the noise and I shuddered as Emma cowered back then passed me a glower. "Emma. Get out" he growled and I looked up at him in shock. She froze in place as her jaws swept the ground and I sucked in a deep breath. "It's alright Lucky. I'll go" I muttered then before he could react to what I was saying I dashed past Emma through the door. As soon as I made in back into the crowd, the lung squeezing feeling came back on me and I eyed everyone in desperation as I searched for Jason. In the living room had more people than before and my claustrophobia heightened with it. "Jason!"I tried to yell over the music several times but I only found myself at the corner behind the stair way. Realizing the darkness underneath it, I slowly began to inch back until I felt something press through the fabric of my costume into my back and I gasped. "Shhh princess" I heard the familiar soothing voice that usually whispered to me during the day and I let out a shaky breath when a sudden numbness began to take over my body.

Soon my back was being ripped open and I drowned into a sea of black.

A/N : Hey gang. I feel like trash cause I took long to update plus this update was shit. It barely even had a purpose really lol. Anyways this was the end of this part of the book. The next parts will have mostly science fiction and a lot of drama. Hope u enjoyed this trash lol.

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