Chapter Thirty-Six

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The next day when Jason drove me home I walked inside with him trailing behind and I threw my bag behind the couch, my shoes were laying on the sides beside the welcome mat. "So Oakley. You going to the Halloween party tonight?" He asked as he yanked at the small collar that seemed to be clawing towards his neck. He had on a black muscle T and black adidas sweat pants. His curls were held back by a black head band. I had settled to wearing my grey leggings and my oversized grey T-shirt that had been cut into a crop top. I found a pale pink cap earlier in the day that I had worn with my suit. Jason had loaned me the sweatshirt that went with his sweatpants earlier in the day and that had complemented what I wore."Halloween party tonight?" I muttered as I stared up at his light brown eyes and he grinned mischievously as he gently rested his hand on my bare waist. "Yeh. I want you to be my date" he admitted bluntly and I offered a crooked smile as I shrugged and dropped my bag on the ground beside the sofa.

"Well there's no way possible. You asked me late. I'd have to get a costume. Plus I hate parties"I said nonchalantly as I plopped down into the lush couch then I turned on the television. We had reached home just in time for me to catch the first episode of the first season of Mr.Robot. "I didn't think of that" he muttered through nervous laughter and I snorted as I waited for the credentials from the previous show to roll across the screen. "Well if it makes you feel better I wasn't planning on wearing a costume either. I have some glow in the dark skeleton suits though" Jason persisted as he sat down beside me and swung an arm around me. 'Hello friend..hello friend'. "I bought one for you" his words tore me from the introduction of the show and I turned to look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Come on. I know you enjoyed the last party so you'll be sure to enjoy this one. No one will even know that it's you " he blurted out with a shy grin as he held my stare.

"I mean. If that's what you're hiding from. We could just have fun unanimously"he added with his usual charismatic smile as if it would make me consider the proposal. It worked. Within a matter of minutes I had scribbled a small note and stuck it to the fridge. Mom would understand.

- - -

I'd tell you more about my week as it pertained to Jason, school, the forest, my slowly expiring body and my mother ; but truth be told you're only concerned about him. The Lucky Blue Smith that somehow continued to still roam the halls of the high school as if he owned it without really doing much that. The one who managed to have girls upon girls posed up on desks and walls in bone twisting ways to show off their figures, all portraying eminent prowess to lure the prey -or really the predator. Might I add the 'accidental' sweeps of his hands against their jeans and shirts? Either way, Emma still lingered around like a homeless naive mongrel seeking refuge from a passerby that kept on kicking and spitting on it then later offering pats of compensation. Lucky Blue Smith was no prince or angel among men, just a walking hoax of undefinable beauty ; and beauty is only skin deep.

Undesirable by nature - Charismatic by appearance

That was the definition of Lucky Blue Smith- of course ,though, that's not what you want to hear. So let me give you something to muse on as I had done just a few moments ago; and maybe likewise I'll muse over it again. Because as I said before in previous entries in my mental diary; Lucky Blue Smith was an anomaly.

You'd never understand him.

- - -

"Are your sure this doesn't look...strange?" I croaked out feeling the muscles within my body recede and tighten uncomfortably. Jason had gotten us matching glow in the dark skeleton body suits for the Halloween party that Peslan had invited us to yesterday. It was black and tight,intricately designed with neon green bones, all placed at their designated places. I eyed my one in the mirror and self consciously I jotted out a hip as I tried to trace the placement of my pelvis - both the fabricated one and the natural one. Not very accurate; but still cool. I hadn't seen Lucky for an entire week even though we went to the same school and we had some classes together. But maybe that was because I had also put in my equal effort to avoid him; I want very keen on seeing him when he had mischievously caused me to resort to applying concealer over the horrendous bruise on my neck every morning -concealer that made me look like I had a bad burn on my neck might I add.

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