Chapter Thirty

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I watched wearily as the last vehicle reversed from our parking lot and Starlie stared at me gravely as she watched me from the windscreen. I stared at her, perched on the roof directly over Oakley's room, and I chugged at the large bitter bottle of K-12 Starlie had brought for me when they accompanied me to drop of Oakley's unconscious body. As soon as Oakley had woken up from her partially comatose state earlier she had slipped back into the state. Ever since I looked into her bright golden eyes I had felt like I had been seamed to her sou-. The thought made me cringe involuntarily and almost immediately I tilted the bottle to my head again. I pulled it away once the familiar shudder racked my entire body and I rested my forehead on my knee. Even with just being few feet above her body; the distance made me exhausted and light-headed. The K-12 was losing its effect rapidly and the outcome only made me miserable and needy. Other than my own thoughts causing a disarray in my mind set; I could feel the faint pull of an unfamiliar force seeking a connection.

Already knowing the source of the force I cringed and pushed against it as I pulled up the walls in my mind. Whatever Oakley was ; I didn't need to know. Neither did she need to know what she was and what I was. A quick clip of Oakley staring up at me as she stroked my jaw with a blunt show of her intent quirking up the corners of her lips made me flinch and I shook my head in shock to rid the horrid thought. "Lucky" I heard a familiar melodiously poisonous voice calling in my mind and I squeezed my eyes close as I tried to gather my thoughts. The k-12 wasn't working. "Need help?" I heard Michael call behind me and I fisted the bottle in my had until it cracked and the dark metallic looking grey liquid immediately vaporized as it came in contact with the air. "Thanks a lot" I mumbled hoarsely as discarded the broken shards over the ledge and ran my bloody fingers through my hair shakily, fisting it. Oakley's ear piercing scream from earlier rang through my hollow mind and I shuddered with a whimper.

"You're welcome. You'd end up overdosing yourself anyways" Michael mumbled motioning to my veins that seems way to bright under my pale skin in the dim silver light of the overshadowed moon. "Would you care?" I asked sarcastically as I pulled the sleeves of my large grey sweater over my shaking bloody palms then I fisted the material. "Care if you overdosed yourself and passed out? Not really. But it would affect Oakley so to some extent" he commented as he slid down to sit on the ledge beside me and I chuckled dryly at his honesty. "Go tend to your mate and leave me alone. I don't need a speech from you to remind me how should be rotting in hell for laying my hand on her" I had managed to spit out, half growling, as I watched my own blood dampen the stretched or sleeve of my jacket. "As much as I'd love to. I won't. I'm actually here about your well being. The scowling will come later"Michael said and I shivered from the foreign temperature his body had. It altered the atmosphere around us and the air became thin and electric.

"If you take another sip of that.....remedy, you'll lose your wolf for good and you will die. No 'if's nor 'or's. Your death will be sudden and inevitable" he said remorselessly and I tried to ignore my frozen Adam's apple as I stared at him. His own piercing golden eyes stared at me skeptically with a look of otherness. His ginger hair was felled backwards and seemed too.....unreal. All of him per se made me cringe. He didn't belong in a world like this. Angels and archangels are supposed to be fake, myths. The only hinge that should roam the earth are humans....and demons like us. The thought made me cringe and I glanced away from his mannequin like features. Heavy drops of rain began to pelt at my pale skin and I tried to keep my mind away from staring to Oakley's mindless soul pulls.

"What is she?" I murmured with my own misery etching at my mind as I ignored his warning and he sighed. "Oakley....isn't human. As you would have known I am an archangel and there are only two two have ever been made. She is like me, a seraph but in some senses she is not. From her affect on you I have realized she has traits of a Siren. Although it seems highly unlikeable she has many other traits that we are yet to discover and as far as we should be concerned currently, she's a unique hybrid that can be used as a deadly weapon." he commented rather mildly as he cupped his hand to catch the falling droplets. An angel? A siren? Other traits? Was one of he other traits a werewolf trait? How could one have so much traits? How can her father not know? All the traits must have derived from somewhere, what the hell was Rose? "What do you mean you don't know about her other traits? What other traits? What is Rose?" I couldn't help myself to spit out questions and he tensed causing the water that had pooled in his hand to freeze over and I froze in place.

He tilted his head to look at me oddly then stood up; a look of evident annoyance caused lines to crease their ways into his forehead. "As I said before. She's unique" he said without really answering my question and before I could ask him something else he disappeared into thin air. 'Utter any of this to anyone and you won't have to even worry about dying from a silly overdosage' his gravely intimidating voice echoed throughout my mind, bouncing against my the threads of thoughts waiting to be processed and I shuddered. I rested my back on the roof as I stared up at the moon and for once while looking at it I realized something else. A sudden feeling of utter familiarity and the distant reflection of two minute golden orbs that only I could see. Soon my mind had overran by a clip of her laying on her bed while staring out at the moon longingly.

She was awake.


Also the only reason I haven't posted he winner for he contest yet is because for the entries submitted not all answers were correct so yeh. I won't tell you which answers but read over if you may lol.

The contest is open until someone answers all gen correctly. Love you all guys and thanks for getting this to #28 in science fiction!!!!

Remember to comment and vote 😊

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