Chapter Six

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I woke earlier than I would on any regular day on Sunday. Maybe it was because I still couldn't fathom how my mother had completely alienated me the night before.

At 4:30 am I was up hugging my arms around my body as I stared at myself in the mirror. My protruding ribs pushing against my pale skin. That's what stuck out the most to me. I glanced away from it almost terrified at how skinny I was. I turned around in my dark room and took up one of my hoodies from off of a chair. I pulled it over my bare torso then pushed my hair out of my face.

I moved towards my door and pulled it so that I wouldn't disturb my mother's slumber then I went down the flight of stairs. I walked down the hall to the back door and pulled it towards me. The cold air shoved at my moderately warm skin and I blew out a heavy breath as I shoved my hands in my pocket. I moved outside into the damp air watching the stars still illuminating the sky.

On the first step on my balcony I found a pair of rubber slippers that my mother or I would wear occasionally. I slid my foot inside of it and walked across the lawn to dense section of the backyard. That part was overcrowded with tall broad trees. I looked at my house another time then I continued my stroll, dodging the barks of trees every now and then.

In my head, I didn't think about my dumb measured steps again. There was no one there to judge me if I messed up so it didn't matter to me. My back was tearing into pieces and I needed something to concentrate on other that it. Somehow, even though freezing cold, I had the strange desire to take off my hoodie and just wallow in the mud.

I chuckled to myself at the thought.

That would most likely give the kids something to feed on if no one caught me. Decided against it, I pushed up the sleeves to my elbows and caressed the barks of the trees as I passed them, observing each texture. I only did it to forget the pain in my back but the pain only intensified. I grimaced and averted my path of thoughts again.

I can't wait to go to school again and see the platinum haired boy.

The thought struck me off guard but it didn't surprise me because it was true. Though I had forgotten his sister's name, I actually wouldn't mind seeing her again as well. Maybe we might not be friends, and they may not exactly see me as friend material but at least she made an attempt.

I cringed as another wave of pain swept through my body.

I loved his hair, platinum blonde, almost white. I loved the length and the style as well. I wonder how his hair would feel under my finger tips. With his bright crystal eyes looking at me. Like the moon. Tiny moons that belonged to him. That belonged to me.

I grimaced and groaned as another painful wave swept through my body and I stopped to wrap my hands around one of the tree for support. I breathed heavily and my eyes prickled as I squeezed then shut.

He wouldn't hurt me. He acts like he doesn't care but he has to. If he doesn't. Then.....he'll just have to. I'm tired of rejection.

I inhaled deeply and pushed my ached body off of the tree as I continued to walk. I should've probably just turned around and made my way back to the house. That way I could avoid fainting and most likely dying alone at the roots of trees. I turned around and with the quick movement I clutched my stomach in pain with a gasp.

My legs went numb underneath me and I fell on my knees. Overtime I hugged my body as it caved in like a cocoon and I stayed on the damp ground with my ear pressed to the surface of the earth. My heart beat was as hectic as my breathing and tears had strayed through the corners of my eyes. The pain in my back was somewhat familiar to a handicapped construction worker using a dull drill to bisect me.

With my ears pressed to the earth, I heard the soft rhythmic pattern of footfalls and my breathing became heavier. It didn't sound like human feet, it sounded like the paws of a foot footed animal. Like a dog, a large dog. Maybe a wild hungry fox in search of breakfast before the break of dawn.

The foot falls became slower and more cautious as it came closer and my body shuddered in pain as more tears ran through the corners of my eyes. I couldn't move to run. The pain at the moment was more unbearable that a simple bite from a canine. I laid on the ground anticipating the pain to come. It didn't.

Instead I was acquainted with the sound of its steady breathing directly behind me.

'Why aren't you getting up?' I thought to myself and let out a shaky breath as I tried to figure out where the thought came from.  "Because I can't move" I replied in a sob, not in my thoughts, but instead aloud. Maybe to confirm my thoughts and also to aware whatever creature was behind me. I continued to listen to the breathing with my body still caved in and soon I heard the sound of soft foot falls again.

The creature walked away.

I let out a heavy breath trying to push away the pain as I thought against questioning the reason for the creature's dismissal. About eight minutes after it left I heard a new pattern of footfalls coming closer. Now heavier, faster and more familiar.


The sound of my mother's voice rang through the air and I closed my eyes as I bit down on my bottom lip.

I could've avoided this.

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