Chapter Twenty

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I slipped through her partially open doorway whilst running a hand through my hair and I walked down the flight of stairs tiredly. Already I felt the pressure begin to build up inside me as I moved further away from her door and my demon whimpered. 'Don't be greedy' I growled under my breath as I continued down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen.

My back seemed to go numb when I picked up the sound of her quiet sobs and whimpers upstairs. Of course she would've realized I was gone. Only thing this time I was prepared for the demon to act on urge so I immediately planted my feet in the carpet and grabbed the edge of the marble kitchen counter. My pale finger tips became almost burgundy with the strain against him.

"If you go back you will hurt her whether intentionally or not. Either way I will break her heart into a million shards if you drag me up to that hell hole again. And that will be intentional" I seethed to myself aloud and the forced acting against me from within quivered down to slight trembles- like a conscience telling me it would be better if I went up there rather than forcing me against my will.

'You wouldn't dare' he growled internally and I scoffed. "I do actually. So shut up for once and leave me the heck alone." I mumbled as I moved to their water fountain (they actually had one in their kitchen) and craned my neck to drink from it. "Lucky" I heard a more mature but soft feminine voice behind me and I sighed. "Good night Rose" I said turning to look at her.

Rose had her long blonde hair braided several times down to her back, her bright friendly green eyes seemed to grow at ease when she saw me. A light flush on her cheeks could quickly be passed as a look of embarrassment because I was now seeing her in her lingerie. A loose silver chiffon gown that had lace around her waist. She was beautiful and honestly I wouldn't have minded if I had ended with her as my....his mate instead of the girl.

And absolutely nothing was wrong because even though she appeared to be more mature than I was ; I was roughly four times her age. "You could've given me a warning. I never expected that you'd come by. I thought you were...somebody else"she said as she came to stand by me but wrapped her arms around the parts that were lace.

"You look stunning" I murmured and she smiled crookedly with an airy chuckle. "Thank you." she replied under a hushed tone as she playfully did a graceful bow and I couldn't help the smile that fought its way on my face. "How is it with Oakley?"she asked me with a small smile and my face went tight as I leant in the counter and stared at her. "She's getting hurt. She always have and she always will. The human is very repulsed by her. I try to at least get him to respect her but nothing's working. I think something's wrong...with the bond" the demon in me managed to talk before I could and Rose's eyes dilated.

"But you love her correct?"she asked him and I would clench my teeth but I don't exactly mind where this conversation is going. "I love her" he spoke without hesitation and I scoffed. "Isn't that weird? Two beings in one body. I think the boy needs another soul also. We have been bickering ever since the year of turning" he growled dryly and Rose smiled a bit as her green eyes assessed me strangely.

"It is weird. So you, the wolf, love Oakley. But Lucky doesn't?" she said as if speaking it would make it make anymore sense and I spoke up before he should this time. "I despise her" I spoke and she furrowed her eyebrows. "Hm. That's unusual. I'm guessing it will all work over time. What had Silas said?" she continued and both me and the demon went cold blooded with the reminder of my father.

"He's...pending" I muttered unsurely as I watched her and she sighed. "I don't get it. I'm a prince. I don't mean to sound cocky and ungrateful but why is it that the person that is supposed to be my mate is one of the weirdest unexpected human beings in your society." I groaned and she watched me as she chewed on her bottom lip. "Lucky. she's not a human being" she said quietly and my eyes widened at her words. What. I glanced away to the clock that seemed to ding then freeze in motion. One eleven (1:11). I furrowed my eyebrows at the frozen clock then looked back to Rose who seemed to be almost scarlet. Her eyes wide and frantic as she glanced to the door.

Almost immediately a radiant source had managed to let some golden beams of light travel under the door. "Lucky. You weren't supposed to be here at this hour but since you are here there's no way you can erase what you'll see. I was never to have anyone here while accommodating him. I didn't realize how late it was but now it's too late and he's here. He's here now. You'll have to meet him. Oh god I hope he's not upset. I should probably run up and pretend I'm sleeping." Rose babbled on with wild eyes and I took a hold of her shoulders.

"Rose what are you talking about ? Who's here? Is he dangerous? Do you need me to shift-" as soon as I had began to question her I watched as her pupils seemed to drown into her sea of green irises. "Rose. Rose can you hear me?" I asked her as I shook her shoulders frantically but immediately found myself tensing when I realized how quiet the air had become.

"Lucky Blue Smith" I heard a solid masculine voice behind me that floated through the air in a way that no human's voice could. A perfected series of octaves caressed everything in the house. I spun around in shock and my breath caught as I stared at the taller man. He was probably 6'5. His bright auburn hair seemed to be gelled and combed away from his face but fringes still glided across his thick eyebrows. His face was smooth and hairless, defined in every possible way. It seemed to carry a permanent radiant glow that brightened the whole room but it didn't exactly look that out of place. His eyes were bright and seemed to be molten gold but they were unsettling; I tried to remind myself of where I've seen something like that but I couldn't.

Other than the loose glowing white robe that adorned him I noticed two prominent things sticking from his back. Broad and large flanking across the room like thick white clouds, but by just looking at it I could tell that they weren't as soft as they appeared.

And I didn't know his name. I've never seen him in my entire life. But I knew of him, I knew who it was without needing anyone to tell me.


Heathens (being edited )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon