Chapter Twenty-five

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It takes me a while to realize that someone is calling my name, to realize that what had happened wasn't a dream, to realize that I had sunken to the ground shaking violently. "Oakley. It's okay. Stop crying" I heard Jason again but I couldn't remove myself from the armadillo position I had put myself in. Tears continued to bustle over my sensitive face as I tried to ignore the right warm feeling in my chest. I had been hyperventilating and I had also gotten myself in a tantrum. I stared at his warm light brown eyes from over my knees as he sank to his knees and engulfed me into a hug. He didn't seem to mind that my pointy knee were pressing into his chest nor did he show any sign of discomfort. I wanted to put on a brave face so he wouldn't have to see me like this but I couldn't control myself. I couldn't stop the constant quiver of my body frame as my chest heaved unnaturally. Why would he even say that? Why did he hate me so much? What did I do to deserve his harsh treatment? "He was lying Oakley. He doesn't mean it. Even if he does he's being stupid. Don't cry over boys like him" he cooed brushing his hand against my raw cheeks but I couldn't suppress the violent quakes that racked my body nor the sobbing.

"Forget about him. He's not worth it" I heard him say but once again I had found myself reliving the very recent situation that would be haunting my dreams and plaguing my conscience. "Why play the joker ?" his beautiful voice taunted and I buried my face into Jason's chest. Why would he play the joker? The girl with trashy red hair and pale skin. The girl that looked anorexic but had a fat face. The girl with bright golden eyes that made her look like a poisonous frog. The girl with two large humps in her back that made her look like a camel. The girl that sucks at everything she does. The girl that everyone hates. The girl that her mother can't even look at lovingly.The girl that would probably do the world a favor if she got stuck in a condom. "It's okay sweetheart" Jason said sweetly again as he pressed a kiss to my forehead and I recoiled from him as I tried to tame my trembling lips. My tears were salty and my skin was raw; the combination was horrid. I didn't want anyone to touch me; Lucky was right. There were so many other girls Jason could pick from. What made me the big joke? A sudden thought made my heart falter as I let out another loud sob.

"I won't hurt you Oakley. I'm not like him. What he said was bullshit....just. Just let me comfort you" he said quietly as if reading my mind and once again he moved towards me. No. Lucky probably sent him to give me false hope then let me wither. This was all a sick twisted joke.

Was my mother in on it?

"Oakley. Stop" Jason said sharply and my eyes flickered to his in shock as I drew my knees closer to my body; hardening my shell. "I will not have you lose your trust with me over someone as stupid as him. So either you let me comfort you or you throw away.....this" he said through heavy breathes as he approached me and knelt in front of me so that we were on the same level. "Forget about Lucky. I'm here. I'm willing to make you happy; I'm here making the difference. No matter what anyone else says about you, you're beautiful to me and I'm attracted to you. No asshole will ever change my mind and I'll never let anyone hurt you. me." He continued to say quietly; I almost had to strain my ears to pick up the words in his low rasping. "I'm not..." I wanted to tell him how wrong he was and I had started; but somehow in the middle of my reasoning I had lost track of what I was saying and broke down again.

"It's okay Oakley. You'll be alright"

- - - -


"Where the hell is she?" I growled under my breath and Pyper sighed as she leant on the bandit of my car. The watch on my hand read 5:30; school was dismissed at 3:00. Anxiety gnawed at my stomach and my wolf kept me pacing around the parking lot for tracks, even a scent would do me well right now. "You're even stupider than I thought" I heard my sister call behind me in a murmur and I growled as I dug my nails into my palm. The school yard was practically empty give or take a few cars in the parking lot that belonged to teachers and those who took extra classes. Did she take extra classes? No. Only she started today. I'm about to make my way to the stairs when I'm yanked back abruptly by my sister. "What?" I snapped in annoyance as I flashed her off and she scowls at me. "She's not here asswipe. Use your freaking nose? You're not next in line for nothing are you" she spat back and I was taken aback by her outburst about my position but if it did show I quickly regained my composure after.

"Well where do you suppose she is KIA?" I huffed folding my arms on my chest as I glared down at her. Her eyes widened at me in annoyance as she said loudly "She's gone!". "How?" I asked again sharply and I made it clear to make my disbelief known;her hands flailed in exasperation. "What the hell do you mean how? Obviously she didn't fly did she?" She spat sarcastically and I rolled my eyes as I moved away from her. "I hope you're right. I'm not in for this bullshit" I scoffed as I swung the door open and she followed suit. "Oh please. If you weren't so much of a dick to her then she'd be safe and sound in the back seat" she huffed and I spun the key the ignition with a snort. "Don't be a hypocrite. You laughed off your face while she was crying so don't go around being little miss perfect." I said dryly and she flushed once she realized that she was being called out. After a while I was internally congratulating myself, thinking I had won another one of our sibling wars but I was wrong. "At least I'm not a coward" she said and immediately I'm sent back into a trance of flashbacks as my foot stomped down on the brake, throwing us both forward.

With the constant reminder of my father's monotonous insult; I had been failing to regain my countenance and so I sat there, frozen, as she went to check for Oakley. I didn't even settle in my mind when she said Oakley wasn't home.

I can't believe she went that far.


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